Wednesday, October 25, 2017

What's it?

After the first flood at our cabin location, we found this track in the mud in the driveway. It was the only track we found.  What is your guess?


the dogs' mother said...

Baby Sasquatch?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Too big for a raccoon or coyote, too small for a bear . . . I'm going to guess . . . perhaps a small lynx or bobcat? Although that strikes me as too small for that too. Maybe a wolverine?

Jeanne said...

td'sm - We had that same thought...
Debra - we do have a bobcat that we see periodically around the area. And we do have badgers but not sure about wolverines....

FreeDragon said...

I think it could be a coyote because if they breed with domesticated dogs the offspring will be larger than the parents. I've seen a few big tracks like this. And yes, I've seen the big coy dog too