Friday, February 4, 2011

Frilly Frosty Ferns


kelvin s.m. said...

..i like it... oh, am freezin' cold in here...(T___T)

Good day!!!^^


deb said...

I always want to whip out a camera and take shots like that! And "Frilly Frosty Ferns" is just fun to say! :)

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Brrrrrr, looks cold.

Unknown said...

Wow, such a lovely thing to come out of such brutal weather. Isn't nature endlessly fascinating?

Kat said...

Wow!! That is way too cold looking for me. But what a shot. Although they are frozen there is still something quite whimsical about them.

Anonymous said...

oohhhhhh, likey.

Art Haunts Me said...

Very pretty. We get these a lot in Alaska, and they always surprise me.