Wednesday, February 23, 2011

February Walk in the WildWoods


Robin Larkspur said...

great snowy photos, i love the red berries!

JoyceAnn said...

The snow looks beautiful. I like the last photo of the tree with snow patches.

~ Many Blessings ~

Suzie said...

LOL I was expecting to see green! Something that I personally haven't seen in months!

Lovely, lovely photos though. You've proven that there is beauty in winter.

deb said...

lovely photos! I like joining you on the walk! Very nice idea!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Good eye!

J.E. Bolton said...

Very stunning!

Sarah Sullivan said...

Wow hon...beautiful shots!! I do so love the snow..I know everyone else is sick of it..I just am not yet! How are ya hon??
Hugs, Sarah

Jeanne said...

Thanx for all the sweet compliments! ♥ These photos were all taken the first half of the month when we were getting snow.

Holly Days Closet said...

Great pic I love them my little icicle looks so sad compared to yours.

Anonymous said...

I love the photo with the red berries covered in the white snow. Thanks for taking us on your walk!

Róisín said...

Great photos! They made me realise how much I miss the snow. Spring's arrived here now which in any other part of the world would be good news but all we get is rain, rain, rain! Things really don't look as magical when they're all grey and wet, do they? Anyway, thanks for bringing a little bit of snowy loveliness to my evening!

p.s Those icicles are amazing!

Róisín said...

p.s. Just read your fairy post and it was awesome!

JJ said...

Rather you than me. I can't wait to see the white stuff gone. The birds are behaving like spring is already underway here. Spring is my season.

Anonymous said...

These are some of the most beautiful pictures I have ever seen! You are amazing at what you do!

Jennifer MacNeill said...

Beautiful snow photos!