Shew! I don't know about you but I'm ready for a rest stop! I really need to get out and stretch my legs.
Let's take a stroll around the Grizzly Creek Rest Area. It is one of four rest areas located in Glenwood Canyon.
Grizzly Creek |
Looking east over the Colorado River. Interstate 70 can be seen on the left |
The Rest Area is located next to a nice 'beachy' area where one can go down to the Colorado River.
In the Spring, the water is fast and high (and muddy!). And it isn't uncommon to see rafters go by, rather quickly I might add, on the Colorado River.
And if a person is lucky, they'll get to see the Amtrak train go by. Don't forget to wave at the Engineer!
There's also a trail up Grizzly Creek which goes underneath the interstate.
One never knows what can be found - should a person only look. We came across this apple tree growing along Grizzly Creek - yes, that's the interstate behind it. The tree was in bloom and the bees were quite busy.
But that wasn't the only thing in bloom - chokecherry bushes were everywhere. And the bees were quite busy with them as well. With all this fruit bearing vegetation around, I'm sure the bears can be seen here as Autumn approaches.
Guess we'd better head back to the car. It's not much further to Glenwood Springs. I'm ready for that hotel room!
Beautiful pictures. I love that rough country. Great river !!!
Have a magical day.
Man, that is one BIG creek! Lovely rest spot.
This place looks amazing. I am with you, I need a rest stop myself...
Rugged and beautiful. I bet the sound of the water was loud!
Definitely don't go there in the fall. They must not call it Grizzly Creek for nuthin'!!
Love that creek! I can close my eyes and hear the roar of it!!
That is so gorgeous! And that water is a-running!
100 degrees here. I would like to be neck deep in that water.
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