Royal Gorge Fire |
I'm sure many of you out there have read about or heard of the horrendous wildfires which have occurred here in Colorado. Fortunately the fires are being contained and the weather has turned a bit cooler with a few scattered showers. But the devastation remains. Over 20,000 acres burned, more than 500 homes or structures damaged or destroyed, and two people have died.
Black Forest Fire |
Last Thursday, the Black Forest fire was being fanned by winds from the South. This fire is located to the northeast of Colorado Springs and the southeast of Denver. The wind was bringing the smoke into the Denver metro area. It was terrible. The thick haze lowered visibility and was a health hazard. We're all still getting over our irritated throats and watery eyes. But the worst part was seeing the ash in the air. I couldn't help but wonder if the ash that I was seeing was someone's memories or was it someone's dream.
Black Forest Fire |
The same day that we were getting the smoke, I received a text notification that there was a wildland fire in the area of our new property. But thanks to the quick response by the local fire crews, it was extinguished in a timely manner.
(I had signed up for emergency text alerts for that area through a website named Nixle. Great thing and I recommend that you check out the website!)
Black Forest Fire |
Over the weekend, Hubby and I drove to the homestead. We had stopped in Colorado Springs to get a bite to eat when I received a text message about another fire, but this time it was in the subdivision where our place is located. We decided to head that way anyway and see how far we could get before we were turned back. We made it all the way to our place without incident. We later found out that the fire was at the opposite edge of the subdivision from us. Oddly, over the course of four days, four separate fires had started and all were within 25 miles of each other.
Something is telling me that these fires had help. I cannot fathom why a person would do such a thing! If there is someone behind these fires, I do hope they are caught. But the universe has a way of making things right.
image source for all photos
Wow... striking photos!
Wow, those photos are amazing and devastating. Glad you guys are alright!
Glad to hear that you and your property are okay. These wildfires are such terrible things. A couple of years ago, a wildfire burned down half the city of Slave Lake here in northern Alberta.
You have been on our local news and we heard last night they think the fire had help. That's horrid. Be safe, take care!
Horrible horrible. These are amazing photos, though. I am so relieved to hear that you are all safe, and that your property is sound. Please be careful.
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