The Pumpkins are 'pumpkining' along.
Jack |
Jack is getting more orange every day. Very few veins of green are left. But his stem is still a very vivid green.
Jaquette |
Jacquette is beginning to get twinges of orange. She is still 44 inches around.
Jacqette & Jacque |
Jacque is still quite green and growing. He is now 37 inches around. And is rapidly gaining on his big sister.
Jackie |
One of the new babies is named Jackie. Jackie must be very shy because she is the one living in the cosmos plant. She is now 17 inches around.
Kitty Sylvester |
The other new baby hasn't grown too much. Mommy isn't too sure why. But I think she suspects that the powdery mildew might have something to do with the lack of growth.
Mommy still sprays the Pumpkin leaves three or four times a week with milk to help combat the nasty mildew. Mommy has also been cutting off the leavez that are effected the worst.
Sylvester fusses at Mommy when he sees Mommy pouring the milk into the spray bottle. Sylvester LOVES milk and hates to see it not put into his tummy!
Purz and Catnip Dreams ....... Gomez
Those pumpkins are looking GREAT!
That's a very fine pumpkin crop indeed!
What a lovely group of pumpkins, and with so much personality! Poor Sylvester, the milk is going to the greater good though!
Love those pumpkins, and I do enjoy popping in to see your blog. I was nominated for an inspiring blog award and had to pick seven others to share it with. I chose your blog.
Just love the pumpkins!!! Sylvester too! Sweet kitty!
Oooh! You've got an orange one now! Your pumpkin patch is moving along really well. I'm enjoying watching the progress.
Jack is looking very handsome!
Ohhhh... your punkins are looking fab! :-)
~ Deb
Oh the pumpkins! They are wonderful.
The pumpkin crop is looking great!
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