I have made in decades. I can remember making dolls when my daughter was small but didn’t make any after that. A friend gave me a few doll patterns recently, so I thought I would give it a try. I figured that it would be like riding a bicycle - once you’ve done it, you never forget. Get a little rusty maybe, but never forget.
I read the pattern instructions and proceeded on. I was to use a disappearing ink pen to trace out the patterns, sew around them and then cut out the pieces. According to the instructions on the pen, the ink would fade in approx. 48 hours. So, I traced the patterns on a Monday and didn’t get back to sewing the pieces together until Tuesday afternoon. To my surprise the ink had already begun to fade! I was almost certain that the ink was fading before my eyes! I felt like a Harry Potter character. So I retraced the patterns and immediately sewed them together. I got ahead of myself at that time (actually that happens often) and began to turn the pieces and stuff them. Alas, one of the legs sprung a leak - I had forgotten to put some stop fray on the seams. Back to the sewing machine.
Finally, without incident, I sewed and stuffed the first try. Only to find out that she had ‘eaten’ way too much and couldn’t sit. She could only lay flat on her back. (Wish the ‘calories’ had gone to her bottom instead of everywhere else.) Back to the sewing machine.
Third time was a charm for me.
The patterns were from Sandy Miller of Sandolls.
I love the fabric you chose for this doll. She is fabulous! I also enjoy creating folk art dolls, and know what you mean about the challenges. You think by now I'd have it figured out, but each doll always seems to create its own set of unique problems along the way. Perhaps it's character building for them and a test of my patience! I recently took a Gritty Jane online doll course, and am STILL working on my creation!
I love that fabric too. it looks like a great pattern to use when getting back into making dolls :)
and the lily is beautiful also!
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