When I went to the mail box yesterday and saw her box waiting for me, I was so excited! When I got home and opened it, it was like opening a box of sunshine! Her package really made my day! Especially after the nastiness of the recent winter storm. A wonderful scent met my nose as I unpacked goodie after goodie. There were the most lovely Prim Hearts setting on top - both very Prim and yet very romantic.
And as I went further into the box, I found candles and handmade soap (with a lovely Civil War era picture attached), bowl fillers and a lovely Austrian Crystal bracelet and a precious card with three sweet little birds singing a cheery song.
Sharon has a most generous heart and is such a lovely person. Please check out her blog (link above). She also an Etsy shop, an Ezshoppe, and she sells on eBay. Links to all of these shops can be found on her blog.
Thank you Sharon! Happy Valentines Day!!
What a nice lil' package you got. :O) Aren't these things fun?!!
Looking forward to having you as my "Luck o The Fae" partner!
*sprinkle sprinkle*
Oooh, it's good to see some hearts starting to go out. I'm still in the midst of creating mine! Wow, that's an aweful lotta hearts in the package...sharon is really generous!
I can't believe it's almost valentine's day! If I hadn't read your post I probably wouldn't have remembered! Yikes! (Isn't the hubby suppose to forget) Better get my valentine's in order!
Your package is adorable! Sharon has a flare for the Valentines!
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