Friday, June 24, 2011

Fairy Day ~ Fairy Lights

Welcome! To All of You on this Faery Day!
Josephine over at the blog We Are All Queens has invited me to participate in her Fairy Day Blog Party! Josephine lives in Argentina and her blog is in Spanish but she does have a Google translator which you can use. Josephine's blog is a fun filled stroll and the list of other Fairy Day Blog Party participants are listed on the right hand side of her blog. Please do stop by and say HI and enjoy all the Faery Goodness!

If you are a follower of my blog, then you will know that the Fae are a constant companion for those of us who live here in the WildWoods.  And when Josephine sent me the invitation for the Fairy Day Blog Party, I knew exactly what I would write about. Fee Fo Lais ~ Will-O'-Wisps ~ Faery Lights!

Image Source
You see, every evening I have been enjoying the light show that is put on by the local fireflies. They are the one thing I am really going to miss when I move from the South. And watching these magickal lights dance among the grasses and trees, a person can't help but see the Fae dancing and cavorting with the Lightning Bugs.

The terms Fee Fo Lais, Will-O'-Wisps, Faery Light or Pixy Light all refer to ghostly lights which can sometimes be seen floating over bogs and marshes. Though, there are reports of them being seen in forests and woods as well. These lights are said to resemble floating lanterns and will recede as a person approaches them.

Folklore about Faery Lights can be found world wide. Many of the tales describe these unexplained lights as leading travelers astray - away from the safe path and into danger. While others describe the lights as lost souls - the souls of people who are in neither heaven nor hell - looking to cause mischief on unsuspecting people. And at one time the term Will-O'-Wisp was synonymous with Jack-O-Lantern.

Science has explained these lights as possibly bioluminescence or even light emissions brought about by the decay of organic matter. Others feel that the white feathers on Barn Owls can reflect the moonlight, causing people to see a 'moving light'.  Personally, I like to believe the lights are the Fae ~ frolicking and cavorting on a warm Summer evening.

To read more about Faery Lights, Click Here! Or Click Here!


Della said...

I'm not part of the blog party, but enjoyed your illuminating :) words on fairy lights... I miss the fire flies of my youth, we would capture them in big mayonnaise jars and let them go again.

Alexis Kennedy said...

love this! Thank you for sharing!

Hojas que caen..... said...

feliz día de las hadas y no te olvides de pedir un deseo.Besos.Olga.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Happy Fairy Day! Enjoy cavorting with the wee folk today!

Robin Larkspur said...

What a great idea, Fairy Day! loved this post, Jeanne, great graphics and interesting lore.

Justine’s Halloween said...

I had no idea that it was Fairy Day! How cool is that? I loved the images in your blog post today! Where are you moving to? We have lots of fireflies in Wisconsin!

I saw a large floating light in a pitch black corn field last fall. It fit exactly what you described. My friends and I were sure someone was there. We were driving down a road with cornfields on either side and we were afraid there was a motorcycle in front of us or maybe a person with a lantern, or even a bike light. It faded away as we got within a few feet of it. Add to that, the full moon that was out that night and it was pretty darn spooky!

Princesa Nadie said...

Meeting you has been a pleasure

Jeanne said...

Justine ~ How utterly fascinating!!! To have seen a Will-O'-Wisp in person! WOW!!! Gave me goosebumps reading your comment! Thanks so much for sharing! :0)

Anonymous said...

How wonderful! I didn't know! Hi Jeanne, It's been a while since I have stopped by your wonderful blog! I so love the fae! I need to keep up more with you and now your friend who is doing the blog party! I'm following her now too! Have a wonderful weekend and HAPPY FAIRY DAY!


Joane said...

Lukcy you to have lightning bugs! I've never seen them. Enjoy your fairy day!

Jeanne said...

Justine ~ We are moving back to Colorado. I initially didn't think that Fireflies lived there. But after reading your comment about having them in Wisconsin, I did some research. And surprise! Fireflies can be found in select pockets of the Front Range area of Colorado. So maybe I'll get lucky & they'll show up!

Elisabeth Sarkis said...


Muita luz e Paz!

Heathen said...

Your fairy post is lovely! I didn't join in today's festivities but I'll be part of the Mad Tea Party tomorrow.

I can't believe you have a Magic the Gathering card! I used to play that game all the you play?

BTW...the Halloween goods I saw were found at Michael's and Party City.

Carolyn said...

Love and light for a magical fairy party ^_^

Julia Cotrim said...

a very happy fairy day for you!
lovely post!

Unknown said...

A beautiful party with lot of magic and friendship!

Big Hugs

Justine’s Halloween said...

I'm glad you enjoyed my story! Yeah, it was an experience I won't soon forget. I think the three of us were all speechless for several minutes after that! It was sort of a glowing gold color. Just hovering. Have you ever seen something like this?

Where in Colorado are you moving. I have some family in that state. I'm glad to hear that there will be fireflies waiting for you in CO. :)

trickortreat said...

Enjoyed this post immensely. I've never seen fairy lights or even a firefly, but I'm imagining a swamp near a forest..and they are full of both...and I want to go there!

Maricel said...

Hola, ando repartiendo "polvo de Hadas" y pasé a saludarte. Muy lindo post.
Feliz día de las Hadas

Jeanne said...

Justine ~ I've never had the pleasure of seeing any sort of "ghost light". Maybe some day.....
We're moving to the Denver area. Somewhere between Ft. Collins and Colorado all depends on where Hubby gets a job. I'll let you know when we get settled and maybe we can get together sometime if you're ever out visiting. :0)

Hel said...

I just love your entries about Fairies! The lightning Bugs are in full swing now, they are my favorite thing in the summer.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this. I have been wanting to get more into learning about the faerie path and this was great information!My kids were playing Magic: The Gathering while I was reading this and had a hobgobolin about the magic card pic at the end! I look forward to keeping up with your blog!