Monday, June 27, 2011

Cat Tales ~ Squeaky

This is Squeaky. She's Daddy's 'Baby Girl'.  She showed up when she was quite young and was very skittish around people. It took Daddy a while to convince her that we all meant her no harm. By the time Daddy had her tamed, we discovered that she was going to have babies.

Squeaky wouldn't come inside the house. She lived in the garage.  Daddy kept trying to get her to come live inside but she wouldn't have any of it. As it got closer to the babies arrival, Squeaky made a nice den under one of Daddy's workshops. Every evening, Squeaky would come up to the house to see Daddy and Daddy would tell her to come inside and bring the babies with her. When the babies were about a week old, a terrible storm started brewing. And Squeaky, being the smart Kitty that she is, brought the babies inside the house (we have a Kitty Door in the People door) one by one and hid them behind the couch. Everyone was safe and sound.

Squeaky likes everyone but is bestest friends with Goliath. Me thinks it's because Goliath can keep her warm with all that "fluff" that he has!
P.S. Squeaky has a shoe fetish. She loves to put her feet in shoes. Mommy has threatened to make her a pair of little booties!

Purz and Catnip Dreams... Gomez


LuLu Kellogg said...

Sweet fur babies!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I love a story with a happy ending!

The Artful Gypsy aka Wendy the Very Good Witch said...

Oh how I love me some kitties! And the photos are super cute. Love the one of them snuggled up together! And I would LOVE to have a kitty door. We keep Coventina in the guest bathroom at night because it's big and she's been known to wreak havoc by knocking things off dressers and such. But she goes IN and OUT at least 25 times a day and someone (namely me) ends up having to do the letting. A kitty door would be perfect. Although I suspect that she gets some sort of evil satisfaction in making us get up and do her bidding, because if we leave the sliding glass door cracked for her to come and go at will....she refuses to go out. Bah!

Jeanne said...

Wendy, Gomez here....Mommy and Daddy play "Door Man" a lot around our house - even though there's a Kitty Door. Usually because there is a big, hairy Doggie laying in front of the door and We's can't push the door open.

Robin Larkspur said...

Squeaky sounds irresistible to me. I am picturing her carrying the kittens one by one into the house. How sweet. Thanks for sharing her story, Gomez.

Wendy S. said...

This post makes us smile so big because Squeaky's daddy won her over with love and she was able to discover her true calling in walk a mile in her owners shoes, how purrrfect ; )
Miss Bella and Sele

Justine’s Halloween said...

Cuteness! Oh, I love the picture with the shoes!

Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

I just LOVE the kitty pics!!


JJ said...

Gomez. Honest answer, now. Do you know who the father is?

Rue said...

Oh my gosh - Squeaky in those shoes made me laugh out loud! So sweet! I'm glad she found such a loving home!

Jeanne said...

Mr. Beazley ~ Aahhh, That really is the million dollar question ~~ Who's the Daddy?
Me can honestly answer that Me is NOT the Daddy....but Me does suspect that Valentino might have been the Daddy...... He and Squeaky both showed up 'bout the same time....but Mommy said that she had "that little problem FIXED!"

Anonymous said...

That is way too adorable!!