
Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

Here are My New Year Wishes for You... 

ours of happy times with friends and family
bundant time for relaxation
lenty of love when you need it the most
outhful excitement at lifes simple pleasures

N ights of restful slumber (you know - dont' worry be happy)
E verything you need
ishing you love and light

Y ears and years of good health
E njoyment and mirth
A angels to watch over you
R embrances of a happy years!
Author Unknown

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

End of Year Goodies

I really must share with you some goodies I received recently ......

The first is a wonderful night light that I received from MarZel at The Play of Light and Shadow.  MarZel has a monthly giveaway that is always fun! Stop by for a visit and signup while you're there!

Next are some goodies that I received from Zan of Vagabond Creations.  I was just expecting to get a Halloween matchbox but received one of Zan's lovely dolls as well - this handsome Devil Dude! And some yummy potpourri! {Which she made herself!}

Blogger doesn't seem to want to post the picture correctly!  So turn your computer screen sideways - that way you don't have to turn your head!   :0)

And lastly I received a wonderful Blog Award from Kelvin over at Window Lad.  Kelvin writes wonderful poetry and haikus. And he has an art blog, Papers and Crayons.  Do stop by for a visit if you are out and about blog hopping!

Kelvin graced me with this award because I inspire him 
'with my friendship and uniqueness.' 
{Yes, I have always been a bit different ...} 
Thank You Kelvin! The World would be a dull, drab place if we were all the same...

And who inspires me? Why, all of you readers! You are the force that keeps me writing. And creating. If it wasn't for you out there in Computer-land, I wouldn't be blogging and I'd probably be out causing all sorts of mischief!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!

From our House to Yours!
May the Season be Merry and Bright!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Yuletide Blessings!

Yule Blessings
by Winter Sky

To one and all I send to you,
Blessings on this day.
Wishing joy and merriment,
May it always come your way.
As you light the Yule log fire,
And the candles are all a-glow,
Be thankful for what you've reaped this year,
And all you've grown to Know!
As you bid farewell to the Holly King,
Under his blanket of snow,
Open your arms to the Oak King,
For the light he will bestow.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Light Painting

Light Painting by LAPP
{click on the photo to view a larger size}

Friday, December 17, 2010

A Rare Astrological Event!

December 21st
It is on this date that BOTH the Sun and the Moon will be reborn.

Winter SolsticeYule. It is the shortest day of the year. 
It will officially occur at 5:38pm Central Standard Time. 

Also on this date is a Full Moon
It is officially full at 2:14am CST

AND there will be a Full Lunar Eclipse visible in North America with full totality at 2:17am CST

The next date this will occur is 2094!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Faerie Magick ... 101f

Hopefully by now you have been able to get a feel for the Little People who inhabit the world around you.

Faeries are naturally drawn to the energy a Witch raises when a spell or magick is worked. And they can often be found watching outside the protective circle as a Witch does her work. The Fae are also attracted to drumming and singing.

Should the Fae be at your circle and you would like to enlist their aid, state your intention to them. They are most inclined to help with spells of healing or protection. But, if the spell is for something personal, explain to them why it is important to you. The Fae dislike greed but they do understand the need for prosperity - for the Fae will benefit from a person's prosperity as well.

As you begin your work, you may sense the added energy that the Fae have generated. Add it to that of your own. It is easy for the Fae to create energy because Magick Energy originates in the same realm as the one in which they live.

Remember, DO NOT Thank the Fae once your Magick work is complete. But leave them a bit of sweet bread , wine or milk. Leave this in that special place in your yard that you have set aside for them. The place where you can honor them. If you do not have a yard set aside a place in the house, maybe by a window where you have plants growing, as the Fae's special spot. Leave their food or drink in their special spot. Always use a clean dish or even a large leaf from a hosta or tree. If you notice that they do not finish their libations, throw out the unfinished portions within a day or two. Do not let the food or drink spoil.

While the Fae can be a mischievous lot, they can enhance your Magick and bring a great sense of joy and happiness to your Life!

Monday, December 13, 2010

A "Whirlwind" of Activity

The weekend was a 'whirlwind' of activity. In more ways than one...

Our daughter and her family came for a brief visit. Hubby and I enjoyed spending time with the grandkids (and kids!) immensely! Tarabeth enjoyed the computer that Grandpa put together for her. Amazing how swiftly children learn!  

We also celebrated Tarabeth's 4th Birthday while they were here. 

Brianna was a real sweetheart and full of hugs for everyone!

Clyde was just a bundle of energy! 

And the granddaughters got to see Santa while they were here.
Clyde slept through the whole thing.

We're so glad you came for a visit! Just wish it hadn't been so short. One of these days we're going to live closer...

Then the same storm that brought tons of snow to the upper Midwest blew in on Saturday night and brought us extremely high winds and bitter cold temperatures. The wind blew down a Black Walnut Tree in our backyard. 

I always mourn the loss of a tree...
It's like losing an old friend.....

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Faerie Magick ... 101e

More Faery Tidbits ~~

  • To encourage the Wee Folk to take up residence in your vicinity, try planting flowers, herbs, bushes or trees. Faeries delight in Nature. Install a water feature such as a bubbler or maybe a small koi pond. If you live in the City in an apartment, use potted pants to create a Nature environment.
  • Fae are reluctant to show themselves to humans. They are very distrustful of us. When they feel comfortable with you, then they will show themselves. Though it may not necessarily be in Fae form. You may find an item moved over night. Or hear a bird singing at an odd time of day. 
  • Spending time outside and becoming attuned to Nature will assist you with communicating with the Little People.
  • When contacting the Fae, it is not unusual to find a Faery whose motives may not be totally helpful. The Fae all have different personalities just like Humans. Some may be most helpful and assist you with your spellwork while others may try to frighten you. Those in the last group are generally not found in close proximity to human dwellings. Should you encounter one, tell him he is not welcome and ask him to leave. Always stay inside the protective area which you cast prior to meditating. And remember, You are ALWAYS  in control of encounters with the Fae.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Fun with Puns

The fattest knight at King Arthur's round table was Sir Cumference. He acquired his size from too much pi.

She was only a whiskey maker, but he loved her still.

A rubber band pistol was confiscated from algebra class, because it was a weapon of math disruption.

No matter how much you push the envelope, it'll still be stationery.

A hole has been found in the nudist camp wall. The police are looking into it.

A backward poet writes inverse.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Saturday, December 4, 2010

A Yule Giveaway Over....

at The Deepest Well! 

Aine of The Deepest Well, Click Here, is having a giveaway for a most lovely bell wand. She will announce the winner on Yule.

Friday, December 3, 2010

The New Lodge

In April 2009, an EF3 tornado tore through the small town of Mena (I live about 5 miles outside of town and was spared any destruction). This tornado destroyed over 600 homes and numerous businesses, as well as severely damaging hundreds of other buildings. Read about it here.

But the town is well on the way to recovery. Various organizations have given of their time, energy and money to help rebuild what was lost. Read about it here.

The local Masonic Lodge was a total loss. There was a meeting of the Ladies Masonic Auxiliary (Order of Eastern Star) the night of the tornado. One member was killed.

But the Masonic members came together to rebuild. They purchased a vacant brick building which once housed the post office, gutted the interior and spent the next 15 months rebuilding their lodge.

The first meeting was held in the new Lodge on October 21, 2010. A very proud moment for the members because all the work done has been accomplished by volunteer labor. With the average age of the volunteer being 60+ years. The Lodge meeting room is the only room totally completed at this point with several other interior areas 90% finished. 

The Lodge was officially dedicated on November 20, 2010.  
And like a Phoenix, they have risen ........

And I would like to tell you of the man who spearheaded the rebuilding - my dear Hubby. He spent countless hours working on the building, on the phone getting bids for materials, organizing the work crew, and a multitude of other tasks. And has attended college full time through out the whole process. 
 He should be most proud of what he has accomplished! 
I know I am!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Mighty Oaks ...

From Little Acorns Grow.

I was the very lucky recipient of this set of Acorn jewelry from Wendy of The Year of the Cats.
I had entered her blog giveaway as a spur of the moment thing and surprise! I won. WOW!!!
I can't begin to Thank You enough Wendy! They're gorgeous!!

And look at this really nice bag that the jewelry came in.
It reads ~ If the Broom Fits, Ride It!
So cool!

Stop by Wendy's blog, click here. She is currently giving away a lined recipe book and lovely Kitchen Witch print by Lora Craig-Gaddis and she will make a donation, in the giveaway winner's name, to the cat rescue site Alley Cat Allies. What a great cause!

The Acorn jewelry was made by Next Chapter Boutique located on Etsy. Click here. So many beautiful items.....

AND...... In addition, I received a really cool bookmark (how did you know I needed another one?) from Theresa of Faerie Moon Creations.  The bookmark reads, "curiosity" "Why is a raven like a writing desk?"  Something I must ponder today....
Click here for Faerie Moon Creation's shop.  More beautiful things.....

And now for some synchronicities...
1)  I live in the little hamlet of Acorn which is outside
of Mena, Arkansas.
2)  The local Acorn School, which we live next to, has the motto, Mighty Oaks From Little Acorns Grow
2) Hubby will be graduating from college in under three weeks. He will be setting off on a new career. And like a Little Acorn he will grow into a Mighty Oak (well.... make that a Mighty Computer Genius).
4)  Wendy's gift arrived two days before my birthday!
A most  AwEsOmE  present!