
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Mighty Oaks ...

From Little Acorns Grow.

I was the very lucky recipient of this set of Acorn jewelry from Wendy of The Year of the Cats.
I had entered her blog giveaway as a spur of the moment thing and surprise! I won. WOW!!!
I can't begin to Thank You enough Wendy! They're gorgeous!!

And look at this really nice bag that the jewelry came in.
It reads ~ If the Broom Fits, Ride It!
So cool!

Stop by Wendy's blog, click here. She is currently giving away a lined recipe book and lovely Kitchen Witch print by Lora Craig-Gaddis and she will make a donation, in the giveaway winner's name, to the cat rescue site Alley Cat Allies. What a great cause!

The Acorn jewelry was made by Next Chapter Boutique located on Etsy. Click here. So many beautiful items.....

AND...... In addition, I received a really cool bookmark (how did you know I needed another one?) from Theresa of Faerie Moon Creations.  The bookmark reads, "curiosity" "Why is a raven like a writing desk?"  Something I must ponder today....
Click here for Faerie Moon Creation's shop.  More beautiful things.....

And now for some synchronicities...
1)  I live in the little hamlet of Acorn which is outside
of Mena, Arkansas.
2)  The local Acorn School, which we live next to, has the motto, Mighty Oaks From Little Acorns Grow
2) Hubby will be graduating from college in under three weeks. He will be setting off on a new career. And like a Little Acorn he will grow into a Mighty Oak (well.... make that a Mighty Computer Genius).
4)  Wendy's gift arrived two days before my birthday!
A most  AwEsOmE  present!


  1. what wonderful surprises. congrats on your goodies. I am sure you will enjoy them. The acorn has always fascinated me for its tiny size in the beginning to its grand stature in growth... the magic of has to love it

  2. What gorgeous prizes! And don't forget the Druid significance of oak (and by extension, acorns)! Wear them as a symbol of your wisdom!

  3. Debra, Wisdom? LOL Not real sure some folks would call it that. :0)

  4. Congrats on your wonderful wins! the acorn jewelery is adorable! Belated birthday greetings, and also big congrats to your hubby for his achievement...wishing him much success! I think the oak is one of my most favorite trees.

  5. What lovely surprises! And such impeccable timing, too! I'm sending some wishes your way for a very happy birthday and many congratulations to your husband on his achievement!

  6. Very nice! Thanks for sharing. I am off to check out her work.




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