
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

End of Year Goodies

I really must share with you some goodies I received recently ......

The first is a wonderful night light that I received from MarZel at The Play of Light and Shadow.  MarZel has a monthly giveaway that is always fun! Stop by for a visit and signup while you're there!

Next are some goodies that I received from Zan of Vagabond Creations.  I was just expecting to get a Halloween matchbox but received one of Zan's lovely dolls as well - this handsome Devil Dude! And some yummy potpourri! {Which she made herself!}

Blogger doesn't seem to want to post the picture correctly!  So turn your computer screen sideways - that way you don't have to turn your head!   :0)

And lastly I received a wonderful Blog Award from Kelvin over at Window Lad.  Kelvin writes wonderful poetry and haikus. And he has an art blog, Papers and Crayons.  Do stop by for a visit if you are out and about blog hopping!

Kelvin graced me with this award because I inspire him 
'with my friendship and uniqueness.' 
{Yes, I have always been a bit different ...} 
Thank You Kelvin! The World would be a dull, drab place if we were all the same...

And who inspires me? Why, all of you readers! You are the force that keeps me writing. And creating. If it wasn't for you out there in Computer-land, I wouldn't be blogging and I'd probably be out causing all sorts of mischief!


  1. Lucky you, nice giveaway treats! Enjoy the last days of 2010! Blessings, Robin.

  2. What lovely goodies! Wishing you a wonderful 2011. Hugs and sparkles - WG

  3. It's called 'Being a Sagittarian,' Jeanne. Keep it up, Madam. Fly the flag for the centaurs. (Strangely, the cenaturs were the bad - well, baddish - guys in my novel.)

    I like the devil. That's inspiration.

  4. JJ ~ I do believe I have heard my name used in the same sentence as the devil before...or was it demon.... I forget. Must be the redhair.
    And how come centaurs are always portrayed as bad guys??

  5. Jeanne,
    Congrats on your goodies and award. And btw, I love your "My Wishes for You..." !

  6. Same here, Jeanne. To speak for the novel, only one centaur is actually a bad guy. The others are just haughty and combative. Red hair, eh? Do you know the superstition about not walking in the shadow of a redhead?

  7. JJ ~ You have my curiosity up...what is the superstition?

  8. Oh Jeannie, I love your devil. He's quite dashing, you deserve so many goodies because you're so generous yourself :) Are you going to participate in the "One World, One Heart" event? And congrats. on your blog award to!

  9. Hello Wonderful Jeanne! Of COURSE you deserve such wonderful fabulousness! :) You are such a wonderful friend!!! Thank you for helping me and providing your wonderful words of wisdom and fun on your blog! Hugs and Happy New Year and hope you love the "Devil Fish" :)



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