
Friday, December 17, 2010

A Rare Astrological Event!

December 21st
It is on this date that BOTH the Sun and the Moon will be reborn.

Winter SolsticeYule. It is the shortest day of the year. 
It will officially occur at 5:38pm Central Standard Time. 

Also on this date is a Full Moon
It is officially full at 2:14am CST

AND there will be a Full Lunar Eclipse visible in North America with full totality at 2:17am CST

The next date this will occur is 2094!


  1. And it will be cloudy and snowy here where I hope of glimpsing a full moon or an eclipse! But I dont need to see it to celebrate it!

  2. It's funny.. I knew all of this, but until you posted it, I just didn't get the impact.. thank you so much! Happy Holidays!

  3. I like how you put it -- the sun AND the moon will be reborn! Makes chills run up and down my spine!

  4. And, we'll still be in Mercury retro. which makes everything more interesting. Time to do some powerful magick that day/night.

  5. Well I wish for no snow so I can see the magic! Now is I just had a wand!

  6. Thank you for the beautiful reminder of this magical day and night. It will be one powerful time. Don't forget to light candles or the yule log to celebrate the return of light.


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