
Friday, December 3, 2010

The New Lodge

In April 2009, an EF3 tornado tore through the small town of Mena (I live about 5 miles outside of town and was spared any destruction). This tornado destroyed over 600 homes and numerous businesses, as well as severely damaging hundreds of other buildings. Read about it here.

But the town is well on the way to recovery. Various organizations have given of their time, energy and money to help rebuild what was lost. Read about it here.

The local Masonic Lodge was a total loss. There was a meeting of the Ladies Masonic Auxiliary (Order of Eastern Star) the night of the tornado. One member was killed.

But the Masonic members came together to rebuild. They purchased a vacant brick building which once housed the post office, gutted the interior and spent the next 15 months rebuilding their lodge.

The first meeting was held in the new Lodge on October 21, 2010. A very proud moment for the members because all the work done has been accomplished by volunteer labor. With the average age of the volunteer being 60+ years. The Lodge meeting room is the only room totally completed at this point with several other interior areas 90% finished. 

The Lodge was officially dedicated on November 20, 2010.  
And like a Phoenix, they have risen ........

And I would like to tell you of the man who spearheaded the rebuilding - my dear Hubby. He spent countless hours working on the building, on the phone getting bids for materials, organizing the work crew, and a multitude of other tasks. And has attended college full time through out the whole process. 
 He should be most proud of what he has accomplished! 
I know I am!


  1. Great story, and what a super hubby you have. congrats to all who worked so hard.

  2. Congrats to your sweetie. My sweetie is also a free mason and he often spearheads repairs to their mini lodge (not a big group out here).

  3. It's amazing how nature's destruction can bring people together. They did a wonderful job of rebuilding. Are you sure you're not married to " Superman " (LOL) ?

    ~ Many Blessings ~

  4. What a beautiful story, as it shows the strength of the human spirit when faced with tragedy and loss. I think it's extremely important we all hear stories like this to inspire us and show everyone the power of the human spirit and heart. Your husband is a true angel and I'm so happy that you both together Jeanne shine your love and light !

  5. Most impressive! You are right to be proud.

  6. What a wonderful story of a group of people coming together after a tradgedy. Three cheers to your husband and all who helped!

  7. What a wonderful story! Many congratulations to your hubby and his fellow masons on such a great job rebuilding!

  8. Congratulations on having such a wonderful community and a compassionate husband! I've never experienced a tornado, it looks absolutely devastating. But seeing that people can take action like this is truly inspiring.

  9. Inspiring! Congrats to your husband and all the other members of his Masonic Lodge on a wonderful accomplishment.

  10. You go Mr. Jeanne! That's the way to do it!


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