
Monday, December 13, 2010

A "Whirlwind" of Activity

The weekend was a 'whirlwind' of activity. In more ways than one...

Our daughter and her family came for a brief visit. Hubby and I enjoyed spending time with the grandkids (and kids!) immensely! Tarabeth enjoyed the computer that Grandpa put together for her. Amazing how swiftly children learn!  

We also celebrated Tarabeth's 4th Birthday while they were here. 

Brianna was a real sweetheart and full of hugs for everyone!

Clyde was just a bundle of energy! 

And the granddaughters got to see Santa while they were here.
Clyde slept through the whole thing.

We're so glad you came for a visit! Just wish it hadn't been so short. One of these days we're going to live closer...

Then the same storm that brought tons of snow to the upper Midwest blew in on Saturday night and brought us extremely high winds and bitter cold temperatures. The wind blew down a Black Walnut Tree in our backyard. 

I always mourn the loss of a tree...
It's like losing an old friend.....


  1. The grandkids look delightful! Too bad about the tree, very sad.

  2. Your grandkids are adorable!! Love the Hello Kitty cake, the two girls are so sweet, and little Clyde definitely has that spark of energy that says: "Oh dont think I am going to let you sit down for a second, I am on the move!!" LOL! You are so blessed! And I am mourning the loss of your tree as well, a real sad event. Bright Blessings to you, stay warm and safe!

  3. Your grandchildren are just beautiful! I love the name "Tarabeth." They both look like little scandinavian elves. Do they know about Yule? I also feel a great sorrow when a "standing person" dies :( I'm very sorry for your loss.

  4. Tarabeth has just now begun to ask about Yule vs Christmas. And my daughter has begun to explain the differences. (And Thank You to everyone for the awesome book recommendations!)
    They do look like Little Elves. And they are as sweet as Elves too. ♥ But most of their ancestry is Celtic - with a dab of Cherokee thrown in.

    When school is over, Hubby is going to play lumberjack. And I do believe we have our Yule Log. Does anyone else need one?

  5. Aw! They're so adorable! You're truly blessed to have children around at this time of year. I've no neices or nephews or anything yet and I'm really rather broody myself right now! My fiance thinks I'm mad at "it's all time enough" but I just can't wait to have little ones running bonkers round the house! Anyway, sorry I've not called in for a while. I see I missed some great stuff too, like that leaf man- fantastic!

  6. Sounds like a lovely weekend with the family. Sorry about your tree!

  7. According to the first picture, it appears to be a future blogger! Thanks for sharing these with us.

  8. I'm the same about trees. It disturbs me when I hear chainsaws being used in the vicinity. People are so blase about cutting them down, as though they're just 'things.'

  9. So sorry for the loss of your 'old friend'. I hope you'll find a 'new friend' soon.
    The g-kids are soooo cute!!!!!

  10. So sorry to hear about the tree!

    Glad you had fun with the grandkids though - they are too sweet! There is never enough time with them.

    Stay warm!


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