
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Faerie Magick ... 101e

More Faery Tidbits ~~

  • To encourage the Wee Folk to take up residence in your vicinity, try planting flowers, herbs, bushes or trees. Faeries delight in Nature. Install a water feature such as a bubbler or maybe a small koi pond. If you live in the City in an apartment, use potted pants to create a Nature environment.
  • Fae are reluctant to show themselves to humans. They are very distrustful of us. When they feel comfortable with you, then they will show themselves. Though it may not necessarily be in Fae form. You may find an item moved over night. Or hear a bird singing at an odd time of day. 
  • Spending time outside and becoming attuned to Nature will assist you with communicating with the Little People.
  • When contacting the Fae, it is not unusual to find a Faery whose motives may not be totally helpful. The Fae all have different personalities just like Humans. Some may be most helpful and assist you with your spellwork while others may try to frighten you. Those in the last group are generally not found in close proximity to human dwellings. Should you encounter one, tell him he is not welcome and ask him to leave. Always stay inside the protective area which you cast prior to meditating. And remember, You are ALWAYS  in control of encounters with the Fae.


  1. I love hearing about faeries. This come from someone who has a faery chair in the corner of her kitchen.

  2. LOL .... Yes, I have a faery chair in my kitchen though it is a bit unconventional...... looks more like a stepstool actually ... But people who come into my kitchen and want to visit will often ask if anyone is sitting there....

  3. I love this series you are posting!

  4. I blogged about how I think I'm a changeling over on EWitch and I think you're a Faery Godmother like Theresa from "Welcome to my World". It's so nice hearing insights into the Fae that just rings true :)

  5. It's so fun finding kindred faerie folk! Jeanne, I'm sure your lovely custom-made faerie doors have also been attracting the fae to your home. I suspect they may have taken up residence!

  6. This is interesting because it echoes my experiences since moving here four years ago. I often see something move in the garden, but there's nothing there when I look. I've had a few things move inexplicably, I've heard a bird sing in the middle of the night on a couple of occasions, and twice recently I briefly heard a woman's voice in my house. What's more, these occurences are becoming more frequent.


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