
Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

Here are My New Year Wishes for You... 

ours of happy times with friends and family
bundant time for relaxation
lenty of love when you need it the most
outhful excitement at lifes simple pleasures

N ights of restful slumber (you know - dont' worry be happy)
E verything you need
ishing you love and light

Y ears and years of good health
E njoyment and mirth
A angels to watch over you
R embrances of a happy years!
Author Unknown


  1. Lovely thoughts, thanks for sharing. Sending you and yours all the best for happiness, good health and peace in 2011. Bright Blessings! Robin.

  2. And to you also! Look forward to more fun reading here in the New Year!

  3. Beautiful poem! May you have all those good things in 2011 too!

  4. Lovely. Best wishes for the new year X

  5. I love this!

    Thanks so much for your comments. Freyja Silver's blog backgrounds are by far the easiest to use that I've found. And the header/banner is included...not a separate piece! But I can't always find what I'm looking for so I don't always use hers.

    I'd like to figure out how to make my own. Hmmm...

    Happy New Year!!!

  6. Jeanne: I'm very grateful to have found your blog. I look forward to reading yours in 2011 as well!

  7. Hi Jeanne,

    Thank you for the warm wishes...I came here to wish you and yours the best of luck in this year of the rabbit... Happy New Year!!!;)

    God Bless!!!;)


  8. What a beautiful acronym, is that what it's called? I love all the wishes and blessings. I'm so glad we've become friends, Jeanne :) Wishing you a New Year full of mirth (I just love that word ;) and love.

  9. What a lovely "displaying" of sweet New Year's sentiments! Happy New Year to you and yours as well!

    At the front of this soon~to~be grand 2011 begins, I resolve to replace resolutions with wishes, beginning with:

    From across the pond, The Winter Solstice: The Sacred Traditions of Christmas (by John and Caitlin Matthews) arrived, red and green and gold foiled-wrapped inside a Christmas parcel to me from Gemmama (my grandmother who presently visits in the UK)! At midnight, as the clocks all at once sang their songs announcing a shiny-new year, the following wish-lovely spell from the book’s pages I did cast (and because the remains of this day yet belong to New Year's Day, I am certain time is plenty enough for you to likewise make a wish for 2010!):

    Fill a large shallow dish with raisins (preferably golden) and pour a few drizzles of brandy over them. Put out the lights then set torch to the "cheer." Whilst it is still "going," snatch one of the raisins from the flames. As you put the fevered fairy-fruit in your mouth, make a wish! It will be granted in the next twelve months, it is promised! (PLEASE TO NOTE: Remember the Law of Three: what you do will come back to you threefold, whether for good or ill, so never perform any spell to harm or control as it will ultimately not only hurt your “intended,” but also yourself.)

    Happy New Year and best wishes!
    Cellar Door

  10. Love them all!
    Happy New Year :)


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