
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Weird Wednesday ~ Fate and the Universe

Do we really make our own decisions regarding our futures? Or is everything predestined? Our lives laid out like a road map? No matter what path we choose, will we end up in the same place? 

There once was a young man, Eric, who loved a fair maiden, Christen. They had plans to be a couple and live happily ever after. But this was not to be. Their youth worked against them and a few years after being together, they went their own way. Never to reunite. Several years later, the maiden fell in love with another man. This man had the same first name and same birth date as her first love. Was it simply predestined for her to be with a man of that name? And birth date? 

And to make things a tad bit more strange, both the original young man and the fair maiden have daughters that go by the same name. Yet neither the young man nor the fair maiden have communicated since their departure from each other. Many years before the birth of either daughter.

This tale is true. The young man is my oldest son. I recently reconnected with his former girlfriend, Christen. 
Weird but true.......


  1. So many strange and wondrous coincidences in this world!

  2. This definitely qualifies for Weird Wednesday. The Universe finds a way.

  3. Wow! Those are a lot of coincidences. Or your son and his old girlfriend had similar taste in names? The birth date part is crazy! Yeah, life is full of all kinds of interesting surprises. :)

  4. I think this classifies as one of those things that make you go Hmmmm? I love the whole concept of fate and synchronicity actually. Wonder if the future will ever see their path cross again? Great post! :o)


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