
Monday, August 13, 2012

Cat Tales ~ Pumpkin Update ~ 8.13.12

Jack is becoming more orange every day. His girth as of Sunday was the same as last week - 44 inches.

His little sister, Jacquette (Thanks to Miss Robin for naming her), has grown quite a bit as well. She measured 30 inches around.

And there is another youngster in the brood, his name is Jacque. His size yesterday was 16 inches around.

But there is a malady amongst the vines. Powdery Mildew. 

Mommy has been doing research into the causes and remedies for this fungal disease. Powdery mildew is caused by moisture staying on the leaves overnight in warm temperatures and not enough air circulation. We have been having a few afternoon and evening showers along with hot days and warm nights. In the pumpkin family, there is no cure for powdery mildew. Mommy is only hoping to control it long enough to allow the babies a chance to grow. Mommy read that by changing the ph of the environment (leaves) where the fungus grows, the progression of the disease can be slowed. Mommy didn't want to use chemicals to treat the disease so she has been spraying the leaves with a mix of milk, water and a dab of dish soap. And she has removed the leaves which were most affected. Me's hoping that the milk treatment works.


  1. Oh they are really lovely! It's nice to see someones pretty pumpkins! None for us this year.

  2. WOnderfully orange fellow there; that mildew is a nuisance; that treatment sounds like it will do the trick! Little tiny Jacque is adorable.

  3. Oh, I hope the pumpkins make it in the race against the evil mildew! Grow, little ones, GROW!!!

    In other squash news, we are starting to harvest our spaghetti squash now. It's up to My Rare One to either eat them all or find them good homes. I don't like spaghetti squash.

  4. wow, these pumpkins look amazing.I think they are ready for the cat walk.

  5. Those pumpkins look great! Have you tried using fans to blow the leaves dry? I know they make outdoor ones and it might help.
    Good Luck!

  6. Aww... Look at those pumpkins grow! I love their names too. Sorry to hear about the powdery mildew. I don't have any experience with that issue. I hope your treatment works!


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