
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

An "AA" Day

Last week was Spring Break for Hubby. Schoolwork has been keeping him busy but he is on the downhill stretch - graduation is in a little over a month. 
And I have been living with a paintbrush (or paint roller) in my hand. We both needed a break! Desperately!  

So we decided to take an AA {Attitude Adjustment} Day!  

It was a gorgeous day with clear blue skies, plenty of sunshine and warm temperatures. And Mother Nature beckoned to us to come out and play. So off we went for a day trip to the Cossatot River State Park

Cossatot River State Park-Natural Area is located in southwest Arkansas. This National Wild and Scenic River is a watershed basin with flow levels dependent on rainfall. After significant precipitation, the river level rises. It has been a dry winter following a dry summer and autumn so the water level in the river was low and the bottom could be seen in numerous places.

These underwater rocks look like cobblestones. Maybe this is a road from an ancient civilization....

This State Park-Natural Area stretches for 12 miles along the scenic Cossatot River, Arkansas's premier whitewater experience renowned as the best whitewater float stream in mid-America. 
Looking downriver over whitewater area.

Rock ledges at Cossatot Falls area

There are several camping and picnicking places along the river but we stopped at Cossatot Falls to explore. The Falls are located in a section of rugged and rocky canyon that challenges the most experienced canoeists and kayakers with its Class IV and V rapids, when the water is high. At Cossatot Falls, with its distinct ledges, the river drops 33 feet in elevation within 1/3 of a mile. Hence it's name Cossatot, which comes from the French cassĂ©-tĂȘte which translates roughly to skull crusher.
Rock at Cossatot River. Actual colors of rock and lichen.
We wandered around the river and climbed on a lot of rocks. Took pictures of rocks and the river. And rocks under the river. And just had a fun time.

This is the beginning of the rapids area. But because the water was low, it wasn't very  rapid.
Amazing how smooth the rocks are from the water.
On the way back home we took in the sights and enjoyed seeing the wild cherry and redbud trees in full bloom. Just gorgeous! And we found a long stretch of mountainside where there was mile after mile of redbud trees blooming. Their pinkish lavender blooms were gorgeous against the green of the forest.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Funerary Finale

For some fun, visit Pushin Daisies, a mortuary novelty shop.

Flush your remains? Alkaline Hydrolisis is the method which turns the body into a brownish, syrupy liquid by dissolving them in lye. The liquid has the consistency of motor oil and smells strongly of ammonia, but is sterile and can be poured down the drain.

Why not go out with a bang? Several companies incorporate cremated ashes into fireworks for a farewell fireworks display. Click here!  Or Click Here!

Become one with the Earth with Spirit Tree.

Learn about Lachrymatory and how powerful collected tears can be.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Cat Tales ~ A Funny Video

Mes found this funny video for you to sees. 
Mommy and Daddy were Rolling On The Floor with Laughter when they sees it.
{If the video doesn't get transferred on one of the feeds, then CLICK HERE!  You really needs to watch it. It's hilarious!}

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Saturday, March 26, 2011

And the Winners are.....

Before I announce the winners, I would like to say
THANK YOU! to everyone who stopped by and entered my giveaway.
And I would also like to WELCOME all the new Followers. I hope you enjoy your visits here.

Gomez supervised the name drawing process.

And now without any further ado...

The Winners are......

Kallan of The Secret Life of the American Working Witch


Deborah Adams of Possible Impossibilities Studio

Please send me an email (within 3 days) with your gift bundle choice and your snail mail addy.

Thank You again to everyone!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Spring Walk in the WildWoods

Today is the last day to enter my give-away! I'll be announcing the name tomorrow. Click here to enter!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Zombies Ahead!

Warning: Zombies Ahead!

A highway sign warning of zombies has prompted Colorado Highway Dept. (CDOT) to make sure all the electronic signs it uses are locked to prevent hacking.

The issue arose early Monday (March 14th) morning when a Colorado Department of Highways electronic road-warning sign in Boulder flashed a warning of  "ZOMBIES AHEAD."

The sign, near Boulder, was supposed to say "Shoulder work Feb. 28 through June," but someone was able to open the unlocked control panel and change the warning message.

Rick Barron and his wife saw the sign while he was driving her to the airport.

"My first thought was, 'Did that really say Zombies Ahead?' And my second thought was 'I've been in Boulder almost 30 years. If there were naked zombies riding bicycles with pumpkins on their heads, I guess we'd be used to it," said Barron.

There are instructions for changing the electronic signs on the Internet which explain what the default passwords for the signs are and explains how to reset the password if it has been changed.

The control boxes for the orange signs are usually locked, but apparently some of the control boxes aren't.

A project engineer for CDOT told the Daily Camera that the crew overseeing the sign on Foothills Parkway had left the control box unlocked. He said the crew was reprimanded.

Other electronic signs operated by CDOT were being checked Monday to make sure they were all locked to prevent tampering. The signs don't belong to CDOT but to a contractor.

"I'm sure it's just a question of contacting the contractor and asking them to make sure their signs are locked," said a CDOT spokesperson. "There are no zombies that I know of in Boulder, but stranger things have happened."

Stegman told 7NEWS that electronic Colorado traffic signs have been hacked about three times in the last 10 years. She said the fine for tampering with Colorado highways signs is $66.

The "Zombies Ahead" warning has been seen across the United States by pranksters who access the control panels of the highway signs.

Don't forget to check out my giveaway! Click here!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Forever Keepsake...

Have you ever been told that you were a real gem? Or maybe a jewel? How your eyes sparkle like diamonds?
Well, now you really can be that gem. That jewel. That diamond.  

LifeGem  is a certified, high-quality diamond created from a lock of hair, or the cremated ashes of your loved one as a memorial to their unique life. LifeGem diamonds are molecularly identical to natural diamonds found at any high-end jeweler.  They have the exact same brilliance, fire, luster, and hardness (the hardest substance known) as diamonds from the earth.

Click here to check out my give-away!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Cat Tales ~ What Me did this winter.....

Happy Spring Everybody! 

Mes all rested and ready for warmer weather.

Wanna see what Me did this winter?

Me slept on a blanket.

Me slept in a sun puddle.

Me slept under a blanket in a sun puddle.

Me slept in front of the fire.

Me slept with mes little brother, Goliath.

Purz and Catnip Dreams .... Gomez

P.S. Wanna enter my Mommy's Give-away?  Click here!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Mourning Jewelry

Mourning jewelry dates back to the 1400s but it became popular in the mid 1800s.

During this period, works of art and jewelry were created out of hair and other materials to commemorate the loss of loved ones.  These mourning pieces served as an eternal memorial and reminder of the lost loved one.  

Today, the talent of turning hair into art is still being pursued.

For more info on mourning jewelry and hair art, visit these sites
Art of Mourning
Mourning Jewelry Museum
Victorian Hair Artists Guild

Saturday, March 19, 2011

A Give-Away!!!

Spring will soon be upon us! And in celebration of the warmer weather, longer daylight hours, birds singing and flowers blooming, I am hosting a giveaway!!
I am giving away two gift bundles.

Gift bundle #1 has an embroidered table scarf from Mexico, a bar of Cherokee Soap (East - Spring, Dawn, New Beginnings), and an Arkansas Quartz crystal.

Gift Bundle #2 has the book The Crafty Witch by Willow Polson, a bar of Cherokee Soap (South - Summer, corn, happy children & plentiful games), and an Arkansas Quartz crystal.

And there will be other goodies thrown in each gift bundle ~ like flower seeds, chocolate and whatever other goodies I run across between now and then....

The rules to enter are simple!
1. You must be a Follower and leave a comment on this post on blogspot  (not one of the social networking sites).  Everyone gets one entry.

I'll announce the winners on Saturday, March 26th.

Now, for all you International Readers...... Sorry, you are not eligible to enter this giveaway (US Residents ONLY). 
BUT......I will be having a giveaway for EVERYBODY at the end of this month.