
Monday, March 28, 2011

Cat Tales ~ A Funny Video

Mes found this funny video for you to sees. 
Mommy and Daddy were Rolling On The Floor with Laughter when they sees it.
{If the video doesn't get transferred on one of the feeds, then CLICK HERE!  You really needs to watch it. It's hilarious!}


  1. You are so right, it is hilarious! Makes me wonder what part of it isn't true. Probably not much! LOL Thanks for sharing Jeanne.


  2. LOL That is SO funny, and I wouldn't put it past any cat to be able to do those things, one way or another!

    Gomez, I do hope that that doesn't give you any ideas though, if there are some guests visiting, that you really don't approve of. .you be a good boy!

  3. Just say "no" to poop on the walls, Gomez!

  4. Oh this is sooooooooooooo funny. I love it and wouldn't put anything past a cat. The Olde Bagg, Linda

  5. I liked this so much i had to put it on my blog too. I've given you a mention on there.
    thanks for that

    all the best

  6. oh my god, thanks for that, that was hilarious, i have to pass it on to all my sisters who have cats!!

  7. so that explains why there are crazy old ladies with cats!

  8. I agree with Deb.

    Ladies, the way to man's heart is through your dog.

  9. You know this doesn't seem too far fetched, the little devils. Love this video, thanks for sharing Gomez!


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