
Saturday, March 19, 2011

A Give-Away!!!

Spring will soon be upon us! And in celebration of the warmer weather, longer daylight hours, birds singing and flowers blooming, I am hosting a giveaway!!
I am giving away two gift bundles.

Gift bundle #1 has an embroidered table scarf from Mexico, a bar of Cherokee Soap (East - Spring, Dawn, New Beginnings), and an Arkansas Quartz crystal.

Gift Bundle #2 has the book The Crafty Witch by Willow Polson, a bar of Cherokee Soap (South - Summer, corn, happy children & plentiful games), and an Arkansas Quartz crystal.

And there will be other goodies thrown in each gift bundle ~ like flower seeds, chocolate and whatever other goodies I run across between now and then....

The rules to enter are simple!
1. You must be a Follower and leave a comment on this post on blogspot  (not one of the social networking sites).  Everyone gets one entry.

I'll announce the winners on Saturday, March 26th.

Now, for all you International Readers...... Sorry, you are not eligible to enter this giveaway (US Residents ONLY). 
BUT......I will be having a giveaway for EVERYBODY at the end of this month.


  1. I guess getting up early did have its perks today.. consider me entered.... wonderful giveaways... love the blanket...

    PS: of course Im a follower...

  2. Great giveaway! Thanks! I follow you.

    avennett AT verizon DOT net

  3. What an amazing giveaway! I am a follower. Also, pop on over to my blog and enter my giveaway if you'd like!

  4. I love the pictures of the Daffodils. They just sing Spring. I am a follower and my "gilrs" follow Gomez, so please enter my name for your wonderful giveaways. Thank you for having them : )

  5. Wow, Jeanne, what a great give-away! I'm a follower! I'm going to put your give-away on my FaceBook page, even if it wasn't required.

  6. Beautiful!! I added you to my Yahoo Feed so I can enjoy your inspiration!! That blanket is stunning!! Love crafty Witches... I have gifted it to so many of my friends!
    Keep it magical!!

  7. Wonderful giveaway! Yes, I'm a follower and I'd love to be entered for the drawing. I'm crossing my fingers! ;-) ~ Deb

  8. I have been following! Thanks for the giveaway!!!

  9. Hey there-well I thought I was following you -discovered I wasnt so I am now! Be well my Hive friend!

  10. Wow, I would love to win either one of your bundles, they are wonderful!! I have been a follower for a while now!!! Hugs! Robin.

  11. Yeah! Love it! Beautiful flowers btw! Ours are just coming up.

  12. Oh they are both wonderful items..what is that witch book..I have never seen that before..would love to check it you follow my

  13. I look forward to getting your emails. I share them with my oldest son. Wow... Really love the table runner. The colors are so vibrant. Have a great day!

  14. Wow what a wonderful giveaway. I am going to be a follower when I leave here. You are already on my fav blog list on my blog. That Mexican scarf is beautiful.

  15. What a fabulous giveaway! I'd love it if you'd add my name to the hat.

  16. beautiful AND generous - thank you so much! Yes, I already follow. =)

    Happy Spring!

  17. Thanks for doing this giveaway! :) I'm your newest follower!! I'm not entirely sure what a table scarf is supposed to do, so I'd like to enter to win the bundle #2. If I win, my email is grig at gmx dot com

    *crosses fingers*

  18. That's right. .flaunt your daffys in front of me. .I've still got icky dirty snow piles in my yard!

    But since they DO look pretty, I'll forgive you. . and how on earth did I miss your give-away!! ALL wonderful surprises!! Sign me up please!

  19. Awesome, even if I don't win, I still have found a new book to add to my ever growing Amazon list!

  20. Wonderful give-aways. Please enter me as well. Thanks!

  21. What a great giveaway. I am a follower and love your blog.

  22. I am already a follower! What great giveaway items!

  23. I'm already a follower and would love to be entered into this very generous give away. Thanks, The Olde Bagg, Linda

  24. Me wants it all! Me loves bright things, me don't love soap so much, but Mommy does! And Mommy is a witch too! She would love the book-Don't tell her I entered - I want it to be a surprise!
    Kisses Nellie

  25. Oh Jeanne please enter me. I am already a follower. This is an awesome give away!


  26. Will you thow my name in the hat, too, please?

  27. I've been following for quite awhile.. love this blog, love these giveaways!
    Good luck to all entrants!

  28. Love the flower photos! I just took a walk in the woods yesterday and I wish I had brought my camera, so many little plants popping up and blooming.
    I'm a follower and would love a chance to win!

  29. I'm a follower and LOVE this blog! Please add me to the give away...THANKS!!
