
Saturday, March 26, 2011

And the Winners are.....

Before I announce the winners, I would like to say
THANK YOU! to everyone who stopped by and entered my giveaway.
And I would also like to WELCOME all the new Followers. I hope you enjoy your visits here.

Gomez supervised the name drawing process.

And now without any further ado...

The Winners are......

Kallan of The Secret Life of the American Working Witch


Deborah Adams of Possible Impossibilities Studio

Please send me an email (within 3 days) with your gift bundle choice and your snail mail addy.

Thank You again to everyone!


  1. Congratulations to the lucky winners!
    And thank you for the chance to enter your give away. Have and awesome weekend!


  2. Gomez looks so darn cute there, and taking his duties SO seriously, as any knowledgeable cat would do!

    Congratulations to the winners!! I know that they are going to love their gorgeous prizes!

    (doesn't it make you feel good to see Dede posting again?!)

  3. Hurray for the winners of a great giveaway...and Gomez, you are one very handsome cat!

  4. Gomez has spoken! Congrats to the winners!

  5. Thank you so much! I am so honored and thrilled!

  6. Congratulations to the winners!!

  7. Hi Jeanne
    just want to say that your cat-as i just read there- Gomez- is absolutely gorgeous! must post a photo of my Aurelia cat at some point! eimear

  8. Gomez sayz "Thanx" for all the compliments. He does take his job very seriously!

    Eimear ~ I would love to see your Aurelia Kitty. :0)

  9. I just got my giveaway package!! Oh my goodness what delightful treats were inside!

    I received the book, the cherokee inspired soap (which smells divine), a crystal (which is HUGE) some acacia, echinacea seeds and holly hock, an adorable notepad, some stationery cards, and a bar of delicious chocolate.. thank you so much, Jeanne! What a truly generous package!


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