
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Faery Magick ... 101a

Do you believe?
Truly believe?

To see the Fae, one must have an open mind and be sincere of heart.

Once upon a time, many years before the time of Industrialization and Progress, The Fae and People lived amongst each other. But as time wore on, Progress began to cloud the memory of People. It wasn't long before the only memory People had of  The Fae were tales that were told around the hearth. Let us try to remember.....

Every culture has their stories, their tales of "Little People".  Though different in each culture these "Little People"  all have striking similarities. And in this day and age of flight and mobile households, it isn't uncommon to find that the Fae in your garden have moved there from Europe of Africa or Australia.

The Fae can manifest themselves to People in many ways - as shadows, as a smell, as a breeze on a windless day, even as a sound. If "Little People" live in or around your home, you may occasionally find items turn up missing, only to have them reappear later in a strange spot. 

The Fae are most likely to be encountered at a crossroad - an intersection - where one reality meets another. Sunrise or Sunset. The edge of a stream or lake - where water meets land. When the mind is meditating. But before you decide to try and meet your local Fae, let me caution you. Not all Fae are kind of heart. There are many who are mean and spiteful, just like in the Human world. And all Fae love to play jokes. So please don't confuse their love of pranks with them being mean spirited. 

In the coming weeks, I will share with you techniques that will help you meet the Fae that inhabit the world around you, ways to protect yourself from their harm, how to ask for their assistance. We are not going to delve straight into seeing the Fae and working spells with them. First we need to master some basic abilities.  You might find a journal or notebook to be useful to keep some notes while we are on this journey of discovery.   Make a note of when an item goes missing, where it was last seen and where you find it.  Make a note of any scents or sounds or sights that are out of the ordinary. Any questions you might have... 

Next week: Grounding, Visualization and a Protective Shield


  1. I am really wishing they would return my kitchen scissors and the handle of the lid to my kettle. Both items have disappeared, the weirdest was the handle of the lid was on the kettle when we went to bed one night and in the morning when my husband went to put the kettle on for tea it was gone. Hugs and sparkles - WG

  2. Adorei a postagem sobre as fadas. Sou brasileira e apesar da cultura não fazer parte do meu país sempre as amei. Intuitivamente comecei a pintá-las e sou apaixonada pelo meu trabalho.
    Estarei sempre presente no seu blog. Parabéns.
    Beijos do Brasil

  3. Oh, this will be a great series! Thank you -- looking forward to it!

  4. I'm so happy that you're writing this series up! I'm really looking forward to learning more and will be sure to keep a log of faery mischief around my home.

  5. I am excited about this series - thank you for including us.

  6. I love this post! Thank you for sharing.

  7. What a wonderful idea...I can't wait to learn!

  8. I became fascinated with Faeries and Leprechauns as a child after checking out Brian Froud's Faeries Book from the library. I used to go outside and spend hours under trees and in the hedges searching for them. I loved that book so much. I bought it, and the Gnomes book several years ago so that I could share that joy with my children. St. Patrick's Day is a big celebration here too as we always get visited by the leprechauns. Great post...looking forward to reading more! :o)

  9. Witchy Godmother ~ We used to have scissors go missing quite frequently around here, then I got the idea of buying the Wee Folks their own pair. Since then, no more missing scissors.
    And you might try asking them for the tea kettle handle back. Explain to them how much you need it.

  10. This is really interesting! I await your posts about the Fae patiently! I would love to be more "in-tune" with them.

  11. I've had all these things happen - and more. I think a post is due about that. Thank you.


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