
Thursday, November 4, 2010

October Goodness

I was quite a lucky person in October. I had several wonderful items fly my way.

The first was a wonderful Witch Doll (made from a tassel) that I won in a giveaway hosted by Patrick of Cre8ors Touch in a workshop group on The Hive.   Isn't she fun?  Patrick is most inventive. To visit his blog, Click here!

Then I won a sweet giveaway hosted by Bab at Pin-Feathers. I received a bottle of Gardenia perfume by Elizabeth Taylor along with a few small bottles of Designer Scents which Bab makes herself!   WONDERFUL!!   Hop on over to her blog to enter this month's giveaway for a Poetry Doll. Click here!

More witches were in my future...My very dear friend, Cindi, gave me this trio. they are actually keychains but I think they will look good hanging from next year's Halloween Tree!

And speaking of ornaments for the Halloween Tree.... The next surprise came my way from The Haunted Swamp! Lynda of Haunted Swamp Designs hosted a giveaway for three creepily cool gourd ornies. Aren't they GREAT!?  Blop on over to her blog to see what other lovelies she creates!  Click here!

And the BESTEST surprise of all was a lovely turquoise and silver spider which my sister Becky sent me! Thank You!


  1. What wonderful stuff that you got this October! I love the Witch!. Hugs and sparkles - WG

  2. Hi Jeanne ~ Wow , you did have a winning streak. The withches are wonderful and like you , the ring would be my favorite. Congrats , enjoy all those treasures.

    ~ Be Blessed ~

  3. Ahh...such wonderful treasures Jeanne! Apparently you do not suffer from a drout of luck...ha! I just love Halloween goodies at Halloween! But then again, I love them any time of year! :o)

  4. You did not warn me there was a spider in this post!!!! :D

    Congrats on all the cool stuff!


  5. Sorry about the lack of warning on the spider! But she is most docile so no worries! :0)

  6. Lovely gifts...aren't you the lucky girl! Congrats!


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