
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Revelations and Awards

I had a revelation in October.......Halloween Loving Bloggers are prolific posters. 
It was all I could do to keep up with all the packing, painting , the laundry { sorry Dear, you'll have some clean socks tomorrow! I promise! }  and other daily tasks,--   Let alone read all  the posts everyone made! But I enjoyed reading every last one of them!

And I received not one but three wonderful awards from Lady Cattra Shadow.
Do stop by to visit her enchanting blog,  Cattra's Magickal World.

Thank you so much Lady Cattra Shadow for bestowing me with so many honors. I am truly humbled!

The rules are to
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass this on to 15 other great bloggers you recently discovered.
4. Contact the selected bloggers and tell them about their awards.

So here goes.....
1. I enjoy early mornings - the sunrise, the birds singing, the Earth waking up to another glorious day.
2. I utterly dislike the color pink. {and wouldn't you know, I have two granddaughters that just LOVE it!}
3. I enjoy drawing on a frost covered window.
4. I love green chili anything!
5. I love the sound of rain on a tin roof.
6. I am a firm believer in Karma.
7. I enjoy sewing.

I have encountered so many wonderful blogs of late that it is hard to choose just 15, but here they are ~

1. Babycakes... All She Wrote - Sandra writes the cutest little jingles and her art is so fun!
2. Dark Thoughts and Pleasant Dreams - Carrie creates some of the coolest ear cuffs. A definite must see!
3. Homespun Dolls - Kim needle-felts dolls who are so full of Life that you would swear they'll blink their eyes!
4. I Hope They Have Pudding - Always an enchanting time to be had here!
5. Ivory Pumpkin - Joane loves to have fun and enjoys sharing her fun with others!
6. Midnight in the Garden of Evil - This was a ghoulishly great place to visit during the Halloween season!
7. Moonlight and Hares - Karen shares her wonderfully enchanting art from across the pond!
8. Nature's Cat - An inciteful sharing of Elemental Magick, Green Witchcraft, and Life!
9. Nightmares and Day Dreams - Debbie shares fun tips, websites, and her creepily cool art!
10. Notes from the Fae Side - Lorell leaves me speechless with her sculpting ability!
11. Pin-Feathers - Bab gives us glimpses into her little corner of Alaska with wonderful photography and great giveaways!
12. The Haven - Heathen shares living Life seasonally in a place without seasons!
13. The Vintage Sage - An old fashioned soul who shares her kitchen with us while she stirs up some magick and miracles!
14. Wiccan Writes - Robin shares her life as a solitary practitioner!
15. Wadsworth~Noll Studio - A glimpses into a very enchanted studio!


  1. I remember you have always hated pink. I never once saw you wearing pink, which in my opinion was a good thing. :) You did look quite good in certain greens if I recall correctly.

  2. Wow been a long time since I got an award...for doing what I love. Thanks for the kind words Jeanne. A friend like you is what is important. And I never knew you had 2 daughter...well maybe someday you will get them to like orange !
    Thanks sweetie !

  3. ptrmom ~ Yes, green is my favorite color

    Sandra ~ I have six grandchildren - 2 boys and 4 girls. And I'm beginning to think one of the Granddaughters will have quite a fondness for Halloween. :0)

  4. Jeanne, thank you. this is a first for me. I am a little techno challenged but hopefully I can this justice. I do appreciate your giving me this award.How amazing.

  5. not award, I meant, by acknowledgement!!! lol. Thanks a bunch.

  6. Well I got the post up know I am long winded, drop by and this to me again...Please. ! LOL
    It was fun!!! LOL
    Well I only have 2 grandkids...( small family) sounds like you have fun.
    My grandaughter like Halloween...but does not celebrate it. long story!

  7. My first really like me! :-) Thank you so much Jeanne! I better get to work on my post.

  8. Congratulations on the award missus! Hope you had a magical Halloween!


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