
Monday, November 10, 2014

Cat Tales ~ OH NOs!

Daddy & Me
Me is his Sidekick
Daddy got hurt yesterday. Mommy said he is at the vet doctor place. He has to stay there for a little while. Mommy is very sad and Me and the other Kittys don't like seeing her like that. Me tried to offer her a bit O'Nip but Mommy said she didn't feel like it. Please send warm healing thoughts to make Daddy better. Me misses his warm lap.

Purz and Catnip Dreams.......Gomez


  1. You can count on me Gomez. Sending lots of healing thoughts to Daddy.

  2. Lots of warm doggy hugs! (Really they work!)

  3. Oh dear! Sending healing wishes his way! I hope that whatever the injury is that it will heal quickly and well. Hugs to everyone, including Gomez.

  4. Oh, no! Sending light and love and healing thoughts. Take care. Hope things will improve very quickly.


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