
Monday, November 17, 2014

Cat Tales ~ Daddy Update

Daddy is home and resting. Me has Mes warm lap back. Daddy said that Mes purring is helping with the healing. Me always knew Me was special!
This is what Daddy's leg looks like now. Looks to Me as if Daddy is now Bionic! He really will need that Super Heroes cape! Maybe Mommy will make Me one.....

Purz and Catnip Dreams.......Gomez


  1. Everyone knows the super healing powers of cats (even Abby!)

  2. I guess that makes him Iron Man! Now when Gomez's Daddy says "I'm screwed," he means it literally! That must have been some accident -- glad he's home and healing up.

  3. Oh my goodness, Gomez, you keep purring for your Dad and tell him get well soon!!

  4. Oh no! Your poor daddy! Keep purring him back to health, sweet Gomez! <3


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