
Friday, January 10, 2014

Roadtrip ~ Christmas at Miramont Castle

Back before the Holidays, Hubby & I took an impromptu roadtrip to see Miramont Castle. If you'll remember, I wrote about it here, Click Here!
This time, we wanted to see the Castle in the daylight. We invited a friend (and a Candy Corn Chronicles blog follower) to go with us. We had a good time and it was grand seeing the old building dressed up in her holiday finery.

Front Entry
Front Entry window
Fireplace in Parlor
Other Side of Parlor
Miramont Castle seen from the Garden


  1. That was such a fun adventure, thanks for inviting me to tag along! :) That place was so amazing and filled with history that I think you have to visit more than once to fully absorb it.

  2. JenJen - I'm so glad you were able to come along! More adventures await us when the weather gets warmer! :0)


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