
Friday, March 22, 2013

The Year to Get High

Now what are you thinking? 

Hubby and I have chosen a theme for this year's mountain excursions. Last year we visited cemeteries, many of which were located in old Colorado mining towns. So I guess one could say that last year's theme was "Visiting Spirits".
This year is the "Year to Get High".

We have plans to tackle at least two 14'ers (mountain peaks with an elevation over 14,000 ft.) and numerous mountain passes that can only be gotten over with a 4 wheel drive vehicle. Sounds like fun! No telling what grand adventures may take place. And I'm sure a few cemeteries will be visited along the way.

Now really! What WERE you thinking?!?

But that's not all. Last week, I wrote about soon attending school. I have pondered going back to school since moving back to Colorado. It's been exceptionally hard to get hired for a job without a college degree  Even if you have 'experience running out the wazoo'. I didn't relish the thought of 4-5 years of hard intensive work only to graduate with a degree and then be passed over for a job because of my age. I'm not exactly a Spring-Chicken any more! So....
An opportunity arose for me to become certified (in a short amount of time) in an up and coming area of commerce in the State of Colorado. The growing and sales of Cannabis. (The voters of Colorado legalized Cannabis in the November 2012 election) I am getting my Master Indoor Grower's Certification, which will allow me to either work as a budtender in a cannabis shop or I could work in an indoor grow facility. A group of entrepreneurs have founded THC University, located in Denver, Colorado. The founders of THCU are currently working with the State of Colorado so that the school may become a state recognized occupational school.

The legalization of Cannabis also applies to Hemp. There are several farmers in the Front Range area who are already making plans to produce this versatile, 'tamer' version of the Cannabis plant. Hemp and its products can be made into oil, wax, resin, rope, cloth, pulp, and fuel. It also has a very low THC content.
I am looking forward to this opportunity. I'll be able to work with plants which I truly love doing. I'm still planning on doing some festivals and shows throughout the summer. A creative person can't stop creating!


  1. You're going to be a budding budtender? That rocks, LOL! Best of luck with your studies!

  2. Right on! This sounds like a great opportunity!

  3. This is so cool Jeanne! I love it! You or sure will do well with your new career, rock it out lady! Enjoy your mountain trips, it looks gorgeous.
    Wishing you a fun filled weekend!



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