
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Bough Houses

The Art of Rob Heard's Bough Houses

{do check out the link above to see the amazing life size play houses and play equipment which Rob Heard has created!}


  1. I want to live in a house that looks just like that! The houses remind me of the house in the video on youtube called Kingdom of the Witches. Love it!

  2. Whimsical, but I wouldn't want to live in a real version of such a house. Too many friggin' stairs!

  3. He has loads of patience! I can't imagine doing something like that. Just awesome! Kudos to him!

    Wishing you a day full of sunshine!


  4. oh would I have loved this as a doll house when I was little (or now ;-)

  5. Those houses are fantastic! They're like something out of a fairy tale. Did you look at all the photos on his web site? He has some pictures up of his own house, which he built. Those are in the "other stuff" section. The interior of his house is all wood and filled with the furniture he built. That's a pretty talented guy!

  6. Gorgeously fairy tale-ish! I'd also love to see one that was all dark and spooky looking. :)


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