
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Weird Wednesday ~ Elf School

The Icelandic Elf School, otherwise known as Álfaskólinn in Iceland, teaches about the 'not so often seen' people of Iceland - 3 kinds of hidden people, 13 types of Elves, 4 varieties of gnomes, 2 forms of trolls, and 3 types of faeries.

The School, located in Reykjavik, has a full curriculum, publishes texts on hidden people (hidden people look just like humans but prefer to remain invisible), conducts ongoing research about elves and hidden people and collects stories about trolls, faeries, dwarves, and gnomes for future generations. 

The School is open to both visitors and residents alike. The Certificate Program consists of a 5 hour course and has 5-10 people each time. While only 54% of Icelanders believe in elves or hidden people, a whopping 90% of the population does take notice of this 'hidden' community. 

To learn more about this school, Click Here! And Here!


  1. There's a large Icelandic population here on the prairies and thanks to them, I've heard of this School before! This folklore is so integral to their culture.

    That one on the left with the pendulous chin reminds me of the Goblin King in The Hobbit movie, LOL!

  2. Oh, I'd love to go to this. I doubt anything like this course will be happening in my neighborhood but I can have fun imagining what will be taught.

  3. This is totally new to me! Who knew there was a whole elf underground? :) I can tell those guys in the red pointy hats on that first page are real characters.


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