
Friday, February 8, 2013

February ~ Friends & Frolics

While searching for a couple of photos to use for this post, I happened upon the file that was of my trip to the Betty Ford Alpine Gardens. I almost closed the file thinking who would want to see pictures of flowers this time of year - when the world outside is brown or grey or white and filled with cold, blustery winter winds. The flowers would only remind most of us of how wintery-weary we really are. But then I started looking at all the beautiful flowers and realized that seeing all that color, all that vibrant life was quite refreshing. And so I thought I'd go ahead and share some photos with you. I hope you enjoy this brief respite from Winter. It won't be long before we can enjoy our sun puddles outside on the hammock.

January was a blur. The entire family battled one nasty virus after another all month long. Not sure how many boxes of kleenex we went through. We were finally able to close the chapter on Arkansas and now we are seeking our mountain paradise. Life finally seems to be settling into a not so bumpy groove.

February is flying by as well. There are signs of Spring in the front flower bed - daffodils are stretching their long, lithe leaves, the mints are greening up beneath their warm, leafy blanket, and the apple tree buds are beginning to swell. It has been a mild winter here this year. Not near as much snow or temperatures as cold as I remember from years back. While I enjoy seeing all the stirrings of Life, I can't help but wonder if we're going to have another hot, dry summer. I would rather shovel snow all winter and not see daffodils until March, than worry about water restrictions and wildfires. 

I am working on scheduling fairs and shows for this coming year and hope to soon have a list posted in the sidebar. I have new projects wanting for attention on the workbench. And I have begun work with polymer clay. As always so much to do and so little time.

I am often ask where and how I find some of the weird stories and artists that I post about. Some come from my own surfing, some come from Hubby, and some come from my Sister. And some come in email form from readers like you. This month (and possibly into March) I am going to feature weird posts and artists that have been suggested to me. A heart-felt Thank You to each and every one of you!  ♥


  1. In the middle of winter, my eyes CRAVE the colour and beauty of flowers -- thanks for the fix!

  2. Oh those lupines and the divine blue of the delphiniums! So lovely, so thoughtful of you. Love them!
    WOnderful news about "closing the Arkansas chapter". What a relief! Sorry to hear about the sicknesses, hope everyone stays healthy from now on! exciting to hear about your crafty schedule and projects! Good for you! Take good care!

  3. I was so excited to see The Betty Ford Alpine Gardens come up on my dashboard! I visited that place a few years ago when I was in Colorado visiting my uncle. Those gardens are so beautiful and peaceful. I have about a million photos I could send you from when I was there. ;) Now is the perfect time to share your pics with us! It's been snowing nonstop for the past few days in WI, and it's nice to see a little summer.


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