
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Weird Wednesday ~ Creating Gas From Thin Air

A small British company, Air Fuel Synthesis, has opened a small refinery that manufactures gas from carbon dioxide and water. They were able to produce five liters of gas in little over a two month period. The company is hoping to have a larger refinery, capable of producing a ton of gas a day, built within two years. They are also planning on producing 'green' aviation fuel to help make airline travel more carbon neutral.
The process is in early development and currently needs to take electricity from the grid to work, but the company believes it will eventually be able to use power from renewable sources like wind farms or tidal barrages.


  1. Perhaps they should locate their plant near fields with cows...that would certainly aid their green gas production....

  2. I create gas all the time out of thin air -- what's the big whoop?

  3. LOL @ Debra! Funny!! Well, this is interesting news...fingers crossed this can make a difference!

  4. Nice to hear about this innovative idea!


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