
Friday, November 9, 2012

A Real Life Day of the Dead

Dia de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, was a week ago and Hubby and I had fully intended on attending at least one if not two of the art shows in town celebrating this event. But Life threw a curve ball at us, as Life sometimes does (especially of late).
My son-in-law died on that date. This was the father of the four grandchildren who Hubby & I live with. Fortunately for them, they are all so young that his death really has no impact. Yes, it is sad that they will never get to know their father. But because of extenuating legal circumstances, these children were never going to get to know him.
The Universe has a plan for all of us. Sometimes that plan fits the ideal we all have in our minds. Other times it doesn't. But regardless, there are lessons to be learned, joyous events to delight in, sadness to remind us of how short our existence can be and loved ones to embrace. So let us all take a moment to relish in the moment of the day and tell those around us just how much they mean to us.


  1. "Extenuating legal circumstances" never bode well. May your son-in-law rest in peace. He probably didn't have or create much peace during his life.

  2. Thank you for the kind words Debra! ♥

  3. A sad end for a troubled person. I am glad the grands won't be impacted. Hope your daughter feels at peace, too. Difficult to find the right words for this situation. Hugs to you and your hubby.

  4. Thank you Robin for the heartfelt thoughts! ♥

  5. Oh condolences. May he find peace, may you all find peace and things sort themselves out. Hugs to you all.

  6. Thank you Mrs D. Hugs are nice! ♥

  7. First of all let me extend to your family my sympathies. Death is always shocking and sad. But your right life is short and we don't always have the ironically sad luxury of knowing when our death or others death will be. Each moment is precious. I send comforting thoughts for you , your grand kids and daughter and for all who knew your son in law.

  8. Thank you so much for the comforting thoughts Pumpkin Cottage. ♥

  9. May he rest in peace, and may peace also find your daughter and family as well. Death is always such a shocking reminder of life and the precious few moments we get to spend together. Glad to hear the grands won't be effected by it. Hugs to you all.

  10. Even though "extenuating legal circumstances" are seldom something good... I offer you my condolences.

  11. I'm so sorry to read what you've been going through. I'm thinking positive thoughts for you and wishing your family the best.

  12. Thank you everyone for the warm thoughts and well wishes! ♥


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