
Friday, November 30, 2012

December Things To Come

My posts for the month of December will be about FUN stuff!
The Weird Wednesday posts with be about Weird  Fun!
The Sunday Art posts will be about FUN  Art!
Gomez even has a post or two about Fun Kitty stuff!

So stay tuned!
Don't touch that Dial!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Weird Wednesday ~ Bees Produce Colored Honey

Bees is a northeastern part of France began making honey in shades of blue and green when they began feeding on remnants of colored M&M candy shells. Unfortunately  the honey could not be sold because it did not meet France's honey production standard of color which is nearly colorless to dark brown.

Click here to read more!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Cat Tales ~ Cat Naps

Here's wishing everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving! May everyone find a great place for a Cat-nap after dinner!

That's Me in the bottom right corner of the bed
Purz and Catnip Dreams.....Gomez

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Recycled Stained Glass

This creative stained glass artist utilizes found glassware and bottles in much of his work!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Unusual Graves

Many of the cemeteries that Hubby & I have visited are still in use. We have discovered many unique headstones and grave sites. Here are a few.....

This medallion reads: Alpine Surveyors. Perhaps the deceased was a member. Breckenridge Cemetery

Pink Floyd fan - Georgetown Cemetery
Someone(s) comes to 'party' with this man by the looks of the empty bottles

The skull laying by the flowers was made from a coconut.
This person was either an outdoorsman or maybe a geologist by the items left at his grave. Georgetown Cemetery 

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Mandragora Americanus


Mandragora Americanus, commonly known as American Mandrake, is found throughout the Americas. It can be found in the deeper recesses of forests and woodlands, most commonly near Faerie Rings. The species found in warmer climates can grow to a height of approx. three feet and is known for its vigorous habits. The species found in colder climates will only grow to twelve or eighteen inches in height and will become dormant during winter months.

Mandrake is endowed with mysterious powers against demoniacal possession. The Mandrake can be poisonous if ingested in large amounts. Only those experienced in the preparation and dosing of mandrake should administer!

Your potted Mandrake will like filtered light and sparse feeding and watering. DO  NOT  RE-POT!  Transplanting MUST only be done by an expert. No matter how much your Mandrake protests, it will be fine in the pot it is in for many years to come! If given ample room for their roots, Mandrake plants have been known to RUN!

This Mandrake is currently at auction on eBay. Click Here to go to the auction!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Cat Tales ~ Pumpkin Muffins

Mommy did some cooking recently with some of those big round orange things she calls PUMPKINS
Me likes cooked Pumpkin. And Mommy let Me eat some Pumpkin before she started cooking. 

Mommy made Pumpkin Bread and Pumpkin Muffins with Cream Cheese filling and Streusel topping. Mes not the only one who likes Pumpkin in the house 'cause neither the bread or the muffins lasted long. Mommy ask Me if Me would share the recipes.

  • Pumpkin Bread/Muffins
  • 2 1/2 cups sugar
  • 2/3 cup vegetable oil
  • eggs
  • cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
  • teaspoon baking powder
  • teaspoon salt
  • teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
  • 2/3 cup water
  • 15 - ounce can pumpkin
  • 3/4 cup raisins (optional)
  • 3/4 cup chopped walnuts or pecans (optional)


  1. Grease the bottom and 1/2 inch up sides of two 9x5x3-inch loaf pans; set aside. In a large mixing bowl, beat sugar and oil with an electric mixer on medium speed. Add eggs and beat well; set aside.
  2. In a medium bowl, combine flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, pumpkin pie spice, ginger and cloves. Alternately add flour mixture and the water to sugar mixture, beating on low speed after each addition just until combined. Beat in pumpkin. If you like, stir in raisins and walnuts. Spoon batter into the prepared pans.
  3. Bake in a 375 degrees oven for 55 to 60 minutes for the 9x5-inch loaves; 40 to 45 minutes for the 8x4-inch loaves; or 35 to 40 minutes for the 7-1/2x3 1/2-inch loaves or until a wooden toothpick inserted near centers comes out clean. Cool in pans on wire racks for 10 minutes. Remove from pans. Cool completely on wire racks. Wrap and store overnight before slicing.

Cream Cheese Filling

8 oz. cream cheese, softened
1 cup confectioners’ sugar

Combine above ingredients with electric mixer. Mix well. Chill until it can be handled. Make balls the size of ping pong balls and place on waxed paper. Chill. Place small amount of bread batter in bottom of muffin pan which has been lined with muffin wrappers. Place a chilled cream cheese ball on top of batter. Continue filling each muffin wrapper with batter until 2/3 full. Cream cheese ball should be completely covered.

Streusel Topping

½ cup sugar
5 tbsp. flour
tsp. ground cinnamon
4 tbsp. cold unsalted butter, cut into pieces

Combine above ingredients and then crumble on top of muffins before cooking.

Friday, November 9, 2012

A Real Life Day of the Dead

Dia de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, was a week ago and Hubby and I had fully intended on attending at least one if not two of the art shows in town celebrating this event. But Life threw a curve ball at us, as Life sometimes does (especially of late).
My son-in-law died on that date. This was the father of the four grandchildren who Hubby & I live with. Fortunately for them, they are all so young that his death really has no impact. Yes, it is sad that they will never get to know their father. But because of extenuating legal circumstances, these children were never going to get to know him.
The Universe has a plan for all of us. Sometimes that plan fits the ideal we all have in our minds. Other times it doesn't. But regardless, there are lessons to be learned, joyous events to delight in, sadness to remind us of how short our existence can be and loved ones to embrace. So let us all take a moment to relish in the moment of the day and tell those around us just how much they mean to us.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Weird Wednesday ~ Creating Gas From Thin Air

A small British company, Air Fuel Synthesis, has opened a small refinery that manufactures gas from carbon dioxide and water. They were able to produce five liters of gas in little over a two month period. The company is hoping to have a larger refinery, capable of producing a ton of gas a day, built within two years. They are also planning on producing 'green' aviation fuel to help make airline travel more carbon neutral.
The process is in early development and currently needs to take electricity from the grid to work, but the company believes it will eventually be able to use power from renewable sources like wind farms or tidal barrages.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Cat Tales ~ Cute Eyes

This is Me with Mes Cute Eyes!

Mes Sooooo Cute!

Purz and Catnip Dreams ....... Gomez

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Brain's Fairy Aiding Inventions

Fairy Launch Facility
Emergency Landing Apparatus
Fairy Flight Aid
Portable Fairy Dust Collector
Puddle Negotiating Vehicle

Friday, November 2, 2012

Autumn Cemetery Color

Lafayette Cemetery, Lafayette, Colorado
October 6, 2012
Alvarado Georgetown Cemetery, Georgetown, Colorado
October 14, 2012
Alvarado Georgetown Cemetery, Georgetown, Colorado
October 4, 2012
Idaho Springs Cemetery, Idaho Springs, Colorado
October 24, 2012
Idaho Springs Cemetery, Idaho Springs, Colorado
October 14, 2012