
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Weird Wednesday ~ Are you a SLIder?

Do streetlights turn off whenever you go by? Do your house lights turn on or off by themselves? Do you have trouble with watches not working? Or do your lightbulbs constantly seem to blow when you turn on a light switch? If so, then you might be what is known as a SLIder - SLI stands for Street Light Interference.

This is a strange phenomenon that is marked by the following occurrences - 

  • Appliances such as lamps or TV's go and off without being touched.
  • Lightbulbs constantly blow when a SLIder tries to turn them on or off.
  • Volume levels on TV's or stereos change on their own.
  • Watches stop working.
  • Children's electronic toys start by themselves whenever a SLIder is present.
  • Credit Cards and other magnetically encoded cards are damaged or erased when in a SLIder's posssession.
  • Cell phone calls will be interrupted by static or dropped.

What causes these things to happen?  It is speculated that this effect might be caused by electronic impulses of the brain. All of our thoughts and movements are the result of electrical impulses generated by the brain. Could these electrical impulses also effect things outside the body?

I would love to hear your thoughts.......

**over the next few Wednesdays I will explore this phenomenon even more**


  1. This is very interesting! I'd love to hear more about this. I have times when these things happen - but not all the time. Right now, I can wear a watch, but I've had times when I can't because they stop working. I have also had times when light bulbs blow out, but not all the time. I think that makes sense, as energy is always changing.

  2. Yes, indeedy, this is common at our house, especially after we were finished with our Reiki classes years ago. Light bulbs burn out all the time. And the magnetic strips on my credit cards/atm cards always get wiped.

  3. I've known of people like this, but I've never heard that term for them before. Computers can also act up and malfunction around them. I worked with a young woman once whose computer was always on the fritz because of this.

  4. I did not know the term for it before. I also don't think I ever met anyone whose bodies were able to do that. But I do believe we are energy, so as being with energy one would think...

  5. This is interesting! Both my son and myself are capable of this! Now I must tell him what it is! I always thought it was just our excess energies....

  6. I do effect radio and television reception, and when I am irritated my computer acts up. I also seem to be replacing light bulbs often and they always blow out when I am turning them on.


I'd love to hear from you....