
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Shameless Plug!

I now have a shop on Amazon. Click Here! 
Individuals can now sell up to 40 items a month without becoming a 'professional seller'.  So, I am slowly clearing out the great number of books that Hubby & I have accumulated over the years. So far, the selection includes books on Faeries, Witchcraft, Mysteries, Folklore. Over the coming months, as I unpack book boxes, I will be adding to the inventory. So keep checking back.

And I have been listing items on eBay as well. Click here! 
Right now I have numerous vintage McCoy flowerpots on eBay. As well as a portable electronic birdsong identifying device (Birdsong Identiflyer). And I will be listing more vintage and antique items as they are found in boxes.

And coming soon will be numerous art and craft supplies to my Etsy shop! So be sure to keep checking all my 'outlets'! You never know what you might find. 


  1. Did you say McCoy????!!! I love McCoy.
    This is cool, I will have to check out the Amazon thing for all my books I need to get rid of (so I can get more new ones, tee hee)

    Gonna check out everything!!!

  2. Can you tell me your seller name on Amazon? I am not sure which seller to purchase books from.

    Thanks so much!


  3. Ky seller name is Woodespryte. There is a link to my amazon listings in the first sentence (where it says Click Here!)


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