
Monday, February 6, 2012

Mes Mountain Getaway

Mommy and Me got away for the weekend. We headed to Daddy's 'bachelor pad' in the mountains. 
We left home just ahead of the snowstorm that was headed for Denver. 

Me wasn't real fond of the curvy mountain roads!

Here's Me looking out Daddy's kitchen window.

What the mountains outside the kitchen window looked like on Friday when Denver was getting gobs of snow.

Me caught up on Mes beauty sleep while Mommy was out and about.

All in all, the trip wasn't too bad. Me enjoyed the attention that Mommy & Daddy lavished on Me. But Mommy forgot to pack some of Mes "Medicinal 'Nip" and Me told Mommy all about it the first afternoon! Me fussed so much that Mommy went to the local dispensary - Tar-jay (Target) she called it - to get Me some. Me squalled to Mommy about what a poor substitute it was for Mes 'homegrown' but it actually was pretty good stuff! Mes just not telling Mommy that....... 


  1. Oh Gomez. You have a nasty nip habit, don't you? Perhaps rehab should be in your future.

  2. Medicinal nip, eh, Gomez? Have you heard of the 12-step program?


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