
Monday, February 13, 2012

The Dirt on SNOW ~ pt. 2

The International Snow Sculpture Championships in Breckenridge produces some quite amazing creations.
Each of the Snow Sculptures are created from a 20 ton block of snow which measures 10 feet by 10 feet by 12 feet tall. The only tools allowed are hand tools - things a person might find in a kitchen, sandbox, or hand tools from the garden shed.

The Snow for these blocks is made by Breckenridge Ski Resort - man-made snow which is recognized as some of the best in the world. The Snow is then hauled to the the sculpting site where snow-blowers and front end loaders are used to fill the wooden molds. Volunteers - "Snow Stompers" - then climb into the wooden molds and stomp the snow with their feet to pack it. Block construction takes about 3 days.

The Snow Sculpture Organizing Committee sends out 250 invitations in June and receives Artist's submissions in August. These submissions are then reviewed and teams are chosen to compete - usually 16 teams. Each team of four members will spend five days - approx. 65 hours - working on their sculpture, at which time they are judged. The sculptures then remain on display for another week after which time they are destroyed. Many times the sculptures show the fragility of their medium and do not last much past the judging date.

Selected teams provide their own transportation to Denver.  Meals, lodging and transportation from Denver to Breckenridge are provided for each Team with the help of many local Sponsors. Each Team also receives a small stipend.
No cash prizes are given out. Each Team competes only for the glory and honor of being named a Snow Sculpture Champion! (Oh yeah, First, Second & Third place winners each receive a medallion, a trophy and a ribbon.)

1 comment:

  1. People do the darndest things out of the pure love of doing so, don't they?


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