
Thursday, February 23, 2012

A Carnival Wedding

My youngest son and his fiance are getting married in July. They're not planning a huge, ornate affair. In fact, their wedding is going to be quite unique. They are planning on getting married in an amusement park. But not one of those ritzy-glitzy new amusement parks. This one has been around since 1908. In fact they still have a wooden roller coaster that has operated for at least 50+ years. 

Recently, on a cold, snowy February day, the happy couple and Hubby and I visited the Park. Lots of photos were taken and the Bride and Groom pondered all the arrangements - where to have the ceremony, where to have the supper afterwards (the Reception will be at another venue...but more on that later), and to maybe work out a few other small details.

I have never been to Lakeside Amusement Park. Amusement Parks are not really my "cup o' tea". Suffering from motion sickness my whole life, I really haven't made it a practice to venture on too many thrill rides. But walking through the gates of this Park was like stepping back in time! What a thrill it was! A person can just feel the history, the memories! I look forward to going back. Not to attempt to ride anything but just to feel the experiences which have been shared by so many in this very unique location.

If you would like to follow along on this fun adventure, here is a link to my daughter-in-law Tracy's blog. Click here!


  1. I join you in your anti-ride feelings; same thing for me. But your description of this lively and historic amusement park sounds fab! Looking forward to the adventure!

  2. Oh, what fun it will be! How nice to have a unique wedding!

  3. That sounds like it's going to be such a fun wedding! I love when people get creative with their plans and this venue sounds amazing. :)

  4. HOW fun! I can just feel all the spirits dancing with happiness. I'm headed over to your future DIL's blog now : )

  5. It looks fantastic! A wonderful idea for a locale.


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