
Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I would like to say Thank You to each and every one of you wonderful people out there in Blogland for leaving me so many wonderful and lovely comments on my recent post The End is Nigh... They touched my heart and soul immensely. This truly is a wonderful and supportive group of Bloggy Friends! And I appreciate each and every one of you for hanging in there with me through all the ups and downs of the past few months!

And Life has definitely been full of its ups and downs. Hubby seeking and finally finding a job; searching for and finding a place to live; moving half way across the country (and we're only half way done! a lot of shop equipment is still in Arkansas); (still) waiting for the house in Arkansas to sell so that we might actually get ahead for a change. 

And then there's the family matters - my son-in-law being arrested last Spring on extremely serious charges and still sitting in jail awaiting trial. This was devastating not only for my daughter but the children as well. And the actions of not only my side of the family but my SIL's have both surprised and disappointed me. The family members who are devout Church goers and who proclaim to be most charitable and giving, have been the worst. They turned their backs on my daughter - as if she and the children are pariahs of society.  

And then The Rift in my immediate family occurred during The Holidays. This Rift resulted in my daughter, her four children, and Jane (their Kitty which Gomez wrote about on Monday) moving in with me and Hubby. But as Wendy, a dear Bloggy friend, once posted - All Great Changes are Preceded by Chaos. In a very short amount of time I have learned to live with two children who have ADHD (one of which is a 2 yr old!), I have begun to heal the hole which was ripped through me when my daughter was forced to move out of her brother's house, and I have learned to appreciate the weekends as that is the only time I get to see my Bestest and Dearest Friend - My Hubby!

But Life is progressing along. Daughter now has a part-time job which we hope will turn into something full time. Granddaughter Bri is attending preschool at a fantastic Arts-Integration School only a few blocks from the house (click here to learn more about the school) and has begun to really blossom (she was struggling with her language skills). Granddaughter T'beth will be attending the same school next year. My Creative yearnings are slowly returning and I am exploring the possibility of having a booth at some upcoming Art Festivals. My Mojo, My Magick, My Witchyness - something which has been playing hide-n-seek with me for quite some time - has finally begun to return.  

And then there is the upcoming Wedding which is rapidly filling my time. My future Daughter-in-Law compared my organizational skills to the legendary Martha. Hhhhhmmmm..... not really sure I'm that good. But having a tendency towards OCD is a plus! 

So, I shall keep you posted on my adventures in helping with a most unique style wedding and will share with you some of the creatures (as they take shape) that have been filling my brain lately. 
So until next time ... Happy Haunting!


  1. That's a lot of stuff for an entire family to process, much less just your little segment of it. No wonder you've not felt up to writing or arting. I hope that this year proves to be brighter for you and yours than the last and that things fall into place for all of you very soon.

    In my experiences, your interests and mojo making itself known once more is a good sign of things to come. And how could you not feel good after that glowing comparison to Martha herself? ;-)

  2. Hurray for the returning Mojo! You've had much more than your fair share of troubles over the last couple of years.

  3. Glad to know that you feel some creativity flowing; can't wait to see what you come up with. With all the chaos, it seems you have managed to endure, and ultimately overcome the crap that life threw at you and yours. ("what doesn't kill me, makes me stronger", right?) I know you will keep on keeping on. I also know your Martha-ness will produce an awesome wedding!!! Hugs Hugs Hugs!!

  4. Jeanne, I don't know how you've managed to not go postal with all the ups and downs you've been going through ; ) One thing after another just keeps happening and the fact that you're still finding quiet joy despite all the blows that surround you. You're truly an inspiration and bringer of light. It's in our hardest times that our true light can shine, although we can also beam when life is beautiful. Just keep taking one day at a time (don't mean to sound preachy here) and keep us updated when you can. You DO have a lot of bloggy friends because you're such a wonderful friend too, Jeanne : )

  5. Big hug! I can relate to all the family stuff very well! So glad to hear things are turning around! xo Becca

  6. WOW! Your plate is REALLY full! I applaud you--its tough and courageous to deal with so many things happenings, so prayers and hugs for returning MOJO ;)

  7. Although my own specific issues are different from yours, I can totally relate to your being overwhelmed by the hurdles that life has presented you. It's inspiring to see you tackling them. Thank you for sharing with us. It truly helps to remember that times are tough for many of us. This community is a lovely source of comfort. I hope that things continue to settle down for you, and I look forward to reading more about your new adventures here! XOXO


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