
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Of String and.....

The Art of Chiharu Shiota


  1. Wow! Can you imagine the time it takes to place each individual string so that it becomes part of the whole emotion? These are amazing!

    On a humorous note, I'd love to hear Gomez's thoughts on this art form! lol

  2. Gomez here....Me don't know what's so special about this guys art! Me does stuff like this at home ALL the time. And I usually hear Mommy mutter under her breathe when I do.... {{snicker}}

  3. AMAZING...especially the one with the white dress in the middle...LOVE IT!

  4. That looks very labour intensive. What an original idea.
    Have a great day.

  5. How cool is that!?!?!? Reminds me a little of a game me and a childhood friend use to play. We each would take a ball of yard and tie it off at the same place. We would then string it all over the room, in and out of drawers, around lamps, etc. until we ran out. We would then trade yarn colors and see who could ball it all back up first!

  6. Creepy! Those strings look like plants that are crawling all over the place!

  7. I was also about to say: CREEPY. Definitely haunted!

  8. Hauntingly beautiful. Really powerful pieces. I love it. Sea Witch


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