
Monday, July 18, 2011

Cat Tales ~ Sylvester

Today Me is going to introduce you to the last of the clowder. His name is Sylvester.

He joined the group just a little over a year ago. He had been hanging around outside for awhile - never coming very close to the house. And then one day he found an open window and just came right on in!

Mommy found him all curled up by Daddy's 'puter. And Sylvester has been bestest buds with Daddy ever since.

Sylvester is a unique kitty 'cause he's got thumbs! Kitties with thumbs are also known as 'Hemingway Cats' or Polydactyl Cats.

Once he gets over his teenage "I Know It All" phase, Me's going to teach him how to use those thumbs!
Can Opener here We come!

Purz and Catnip Dreams ... Gomez


  1. Gomez, thank you for sharing photos of Sylvester, I have to say he is quite the looker. I love the photo of Sylvester and your Daddy. Good luck with the can opener venture!

  2. Sylvester, we LOVE your paws. They remind us of the rhyme our mommy tells us about kittens with mittens. And of course Gomez you're still our #1 dream kitty. Our mommy keeps telling us we're going to have a feline sibling some day, but I (Miss Bella) told her that I'll be protesting every day, although my sister, Sele would probably love a brother or sister.

  3. That is such a wonderful cat. I never heard of cats with thumbs.
    Have a magical day.

  4. Boy is he one handsome fella! So cute that he just let himself in and made himself at home...ha! That's a cat for ya! :o)

  5. Daddy, Mommy says that Sylvester misses you. We all miss you. Mommy says she sure hopes to be moving soon.....


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