
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Updates, Observations, & Neko

I am now back in the land of (what-seems-like) never ending wind and rain. While I was away, the wind blew and blew and the rain poured and poured (or at least it did if you were to hear Gomez talk about it). I do believe the household members here at WildWoods Manor are ready for a drier and less stormy climate.

I had an enormous amount of fun with all the grandchildren. Amazing how quickly children can grow. My DIL is doing well. She did have surgery to have a plate and screws placed over the break in her collarbone - the brace she had been wearing didn't do what was needed. But she is doing quite well and should be back to normal in no time. I would like to send out a huge THANK YOU to everyone who sent prayers, well wishes and healing energy her way. It worked. Thank You from the bottom of my heart!

I made it home in time for Hubby's college graduation. A wonderful moment! Hubby graduated with High Honors and received an Associate Degree of Applied Science in Information Systems Technology. He also received a Technical Certificate in Computer Forensics and one in Database Application. And a Certificate of Proficiency in Information Systems Technology. I'm so proud of my Hubby, the Computer Geek. Now comes the job hunt. He has a couple leads that we're hoping will pan out. If you have a moment, could you please send up a positive thought, a prayer, or even maybe light a candle that Hubby quickly finds a job in his newly chosen profession. Thank you!

And wouldn't you know it. As soon as I get home, the video card in my computer decided to start acting wonky. I'm so glad Hubby knows how to work on these silly contraptions! 

And I made a very interesting observation while in the Big City of Denver. People were so nice and friendly. It was the kind of friendly that you find in a small town. I observed people here in the small town of Mena upon my return and was dismayed at how unfriendly the people are here. It was then that I realized that "Small Town" is a state of mind - no matter where a person lives.

And now for Neko. Isn't he the cutest? My youngest son, his wife and their son gave me Maneki Neko (the Wish Cat) for Mother's Day. This version of Maneki Neko is holding a crystal ball which symbolizes bringing all the wishes to the owner. Neko now watches over my desk - reminding me of all the wonderful Family and Love I have in my Life. 


  1. Congrats to your Hubby on his great accomplishment! May he get the job of his dreams shortly!

    Your maneki neko is terrific. I collect these little cats (in a half-assed kind of way) and I love them all.

  2. Congrats as Debra said to your Hubby, graduating is a big deal and lots of hard work! May Hermes (he of the computer world) find him the perfect job where he'll manifest prosperity, people who admire and respect him and just the right amount of challenges that will make him feel successful and proud of himself. And something close to home!

    I also have a Neko kitty, actually two, yours is darling!

  3. You must be so proud of your hubby! That is an awesome accomplishment. And of course we are all sending you best wishes for the most wonderful job! That is good news about your DIL and her recovery!!! Sweet little Neko...enjoy! Tell Gomez it's been raining cats and dogs here, too. Well maybe he won't appreciate that's been raining mice and dogs??

  4. Oh yeah, we (Miss Bella and Sele) would like you to tell Gomez that he's been tagged by us for a meow-meow/meme!

    Purrs to all of you.

    Here's the link to read about it:

    Meow-Meow Meme

  5. HOORAY for all your good news! And Neko is adorable!

  6. Great news on the recovery of DIL! A huge congrats to your hubby so wonderful!!! :) Oh and it's me Becca got me a new blog.cestrei


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