
Friday, May 20, 2011

The Angels of Sanchez Park

I would like to share with you a story about two individuals whose love for Nature and Mother Earth go beyond recycling. These two people take the time to try and make their part of the world a better place - not only for them but for others as well.
These two individuals live very near the heart of a Big City. They have a very nice but modest home which they share with a lovely Lady of generous heart, a Dog of strength and nobility, and a Cat named Gaia. Their yard is well cared for and nurtured. Not far from their home is a large Park. A place of trees and grass. A small but lively stream runs through this Park - this place of trees and grass. 

Quite often these two people - these Angels in disguise - can be found at this Park - enjoying the peace and tranquility and marveling at the wonders of Mother Nature and her mysteries. But like so many places in or near a Big City the rubble and refuse of Mankind's castoffs will find their way to this Park - littering the grass and clogging the stream. 

But these two individuals, these two Angels, do their best to keep the Park clean and clear of the rubble. These Angels take trash sacks with them on their trips to the Park to collect and contain the rubble they find. The oldest of the Angels will climb into the stream to remove old tires, pieces of wood, or other large objects. The smallest of the Angels watches and learns the valuable lessons being taught. 

And I am very proud to say that I know these two Angels quite well. They are my son and grandson. 

A Mom couldn't be prouder........


  1. What a nice should be proud, not only of your family, but of yourself for raising kids who believe in caring for Mother Earth.

  2. You did good mommy, along with hubby passing along your love and reverence for nature...Good for them :)

  3. Blessings to your two Angels. Our earth is a better place because of them.

  4. This post was so beautifully written it took me a minute to realize whom you were speaking of!! Such a wonderful post to see:) I am also so proud and happy to be in the life of both of these "Angels"...clearly they make the world a better place not only for us, but for those that live around us as well. But I believe there may be a Third that you forgot to mention...(humility being a quality required of all Angels of course!) Jeremy obviously had a wonderful example set for him while growing does Jamie now:)I can't think of a better example of teaching love, unselfishness and geniune caring. Thank you and much love!!


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