
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Cocktails for a Cause

My DIL, Tracy - she's the wife of the Angel (click here to read that post) - belongs to a unique and fun group, LUPEC.

LUPEC stands for Ladies United for the Preservation of Endangered Cocktails. This group works tirelessly to breed, raise and release cocktails that are endangered or even believed to be extinct.  Now, how fun is that!?!

Besides ensuring the renewed enjoyment of classic cocktails at functions throughout the year, the Denver Chapter of LUPEC raises funding to support local and national organizations that look out for the health and welfare of women and children in the Denver Metro area.

While I was visiting a few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of attending LUPEC's "Breakfast for Boobs" event. A fundraiser for Susan G. Komen for the Cure affiliate in Denver.  Earlier this year LUPEC Denver held an event to raise money to buy Prom dresses for girls in need.

There are chapters of this fun organization all across the country. Click here to learn more!

And here are a few recipes for your sipping pleasure....

Bond and Lovage
5 strawberries, hulled and halved
2 oz. lovage infused Rum
1/2 oz. fresh lime juice
1/2 oz. simple syrup
1 dash bitters
1 lovage leaf for garnish
Muddle the strawberries in a cocktail shaker. Add the rum, lime, simple syrup, bitters & ice. Shake and strain into a martini glass.

Red Bell Pepper Cocktail
3/4 oz. fresh lemon juice
2 basil leaves
5 chopped seedless grapes
1 slice red bell pepper, approx. 1" thick
2 oz. vodka
3/4 oz. Creme Yvette
1/4 oz. simple syrup
Muddle together lemon juice, basil leaves, grapes, & bell pepper in a cocktail shaker. Add vodka, Creme Yvette, & simple syrup. Stir and strain into a cold old-fashioned glass with ice.

And now for my personal favorite. There is almost always a carafe of this in my fridge!
Gin and Sin
1 1/2 oz. gin
1 oz. orange juice
1 oz. lemon juice
1/2 tsp grenadine syrup
Combine all ingredients in a cocktail shaker half filled with ice. Shake well and serve.


  1. YUMMY!!

    I am a new follower and LOVE your Blog!


  2. :) thanks for the wonderful press! We are publishing a local chapter book, which should be out sometime next month..unfortunately since I am one of the newest members, I'm not in it...but it has pics and the recipes for all of the members (we each get to pick a drink name to go by when we join...I am the Parisian Blonde!)The proofs look fabulous though, so I'll save a copy for you:)

    Parisian Blonde
    1 oz Triple Sec
    1 oz Dark Rum
    1/2 oz Sugar Syrup
    1 oz Heavy Cream

  3. How fun! I didn't realize that you were in Denver. Part of my family is from that area.

    Have fun with the cocktails! :)

  4. Tracy, I would love to see the book when it is published! Thank you!

    Justine, I was back in Denver recently helping out my other daughter who had a broken clavicle. I plan on relocating back to Denver at the end of the summer - I'm a Colorado native and have just spent the last 10+ years experiencing the South.


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