
Monday, May 23, 2011

Cat Tales ~ Meow-Meow Meme

Miss Bella and Sele, two very seductively sleek felines, over at  The Year of the Cats  have tagged Me in their recent post  Meow-Meow Meme.
Bella Sele bed 1 original 400x160 Miss Bella and Seles  Two Paws Meow Meow/MeMe
 Do stop by and say HI when you are out blog hopping. These two sweet Kitties and the human they own - Wendy - are fun, friendly and serve the best Tea!  And for those of you who are wondering, a Meme is a list of info about one's self.  So here goes...

Favorite Hang-Out ~  Mommy's lap (of course!)  And weather permitting, the flower garden.

Favorite Scent ~ Fresh Cut Catnip (not to worry, Me has a medical scrip for it!)

Favorite TV Show ~ Swamp People (watching it takes Me back to Me kittenhood growing up on the bayou where I wrangled gators crawfish. Well, some of those crawfish were as big and mean as gators!)

Favorite Movie ~ The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (Me can identify with Aragorn - We's both handsome and brave and very much lusted after admired by the Ladies. And did I mention We's both handsome?)

Kitty Crush ~ Me's too busy keeping my part of the World safe for Democracy to have a crush. And besides, Me's a confirmed bachelor. 

Kitty Wisdom ~ Keep Catnip by the Garden Gate, Enjoy Sun Puddles Whenever You Can, And Always Cover Up After Using the Litter Box. 

Purz and Catnip Dreams... Gomez


  1. Oh sure, Gomez . . . a "medical scrip" . . . I believe you!

  2. ROFL! I'm commenting on behalf of the girls. Gomez you are a crack up. You definitely remind me of Aragorn, who happens to be one of my crushed, not my girls and your attitude is purrfectly divine like a cat should be. I hope Sele and Gomez never get together to share catnip as that could cause a lot of problems ;) Thank you for this wonderful meow-meow/meme, you done kitties proud all over!

  3. Lol! Oh Gomez, you look like the king of the flower bed. And as king, I'm sure you can get all the 'medical scripts' for catnip you want. ;)

  4. LOL! Those are great....made my kitties jealous! :)


  5. looking wonderful as always gomez! especially in that flower bed...

  6. I am a new follower!

    Love these sweet furbabies!


  7. Medicinal cat nip = brilliant!!! Oh, and I can certainly see the similarity between you and Aragorn. Both very handsome fellas indeed :)


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