
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ta~Da....The New Kitchen

I have to show off the new kitchen.

It took awhile for the kitchen and I to come to an agreement on the color scheme. But when we did, things started to flow together nicely. The cabinets were painted a dark chocolate color and the walls are goldish/tan color (actually called Bleached Wheat) I wouldn't have necessarily chosen those colors but the kitchen seemed to like them.

I cleaned and polished the old cabinet hardware. It is now a pretty antique copper color. There are still a few things left to do - like some valances over the windows, a curtain for the back door, molding around the light over the bar and a pot rack for beside the stove.

The lights I have in the kitchen give the pictres a yellowish cast. So the colors you are seeing aren't quite true to life.

And now for the before pictures.

I know! I know! You're saying how could she live with that ..... well, let me explain. We've lived here 5 1/2 years. The first three years, our time and money went into fixing things like plumbing (various fixtures & lines) , hot water heaters (we have three), air conditioners, electrical, and other various necessary items (like a dishwasher, refrig, & stove not to mention the car repairs and tires and ...well, you get the idea). The last 2 1/2 yrs Hubby has been unemployed and attending college. So money has been tightly budgeted. But now that we will be selling the house, we are finishing up those long needed updates and turning this into a lovely dwelling for the next owners.


  1. Isn't that just the way it seems to go? It looks really nice, a job well done. Selling? Are you moving?


  2. Wow what a transformation! To bad you are selling and won't get to enjoy it : (

    p.s. your dog is ADORABLE!

  3. Wow! You HAVE been busy!! And it looks lovely .a breath of fresh positive energy is now flowing through your kitchen. .you know though, you are making it even harder to leave.

    Look at all of this painting as warming up for your new home! You did a beautiful job!

  4. It looks fantastic!! I lived with a bathroom with "dressing room lights" and an oversized mirror the entire time and ONLY NOW we update it - to SELL!

    Oh, well. I find decorating (whether for myself or others) very creative and fun. Your kitchen looks very new, updated, fresh!

  5. Like watching an episode of Home and Garden TV!! Beautiful make-over, very professional-looking, too!! And I can't believe your dog is sitting so patiently when there is FOOD in the dog dishes!! Good luck with selling!!!

  6. Thanks for all the lovely compliments! ♥

    Suzie, yes, I look at this as 'warm-up' for the new place. Evidently it is going to need a lot of painting. LOL

    Robin, I just wish I had a crew like those makeover shows on TV. :0)

  7. Jeanne, you put a lot of hard work into the design and it looks beautiful! Really cheery and the details are so perfect! I wouldn't even know where to start a re-design, so my hats off to you!!!

    Btw, I received my Halloween Pumpkin Fae. Godmother last week and I am in LOVE! She's right above my computer desk and will remain there all thoughout the year. I'll take a photo of her and put it on my blog when I get a chance. I can tell she's already making magic for me : )

  8. A thousand and one percent improvement. It looks lovely now. We have learned to not remodel bathrooms... as soon as we finish one we move. lol Someone else is always enjoying the fruits of our labors.

  9. Wow! What an improvement from that old wallpaper! The dog that walked into one of your pictures is pretty cute too. :)

  10. Lovely!!! I know how difficult a project that can be! Great work.


  11. Never mind the kitchen, I saw a dog! I did, didn't I?

  12. Splendid rennovation!Don't forget to simmer stove-top potpourri with cinnamon sticks when showing your home to potential buyers as it's been proven to favourably conjure a "homey" atmosphere via aromatherapy.

  13. Wow, very nice! The new folks should give you a round of applause! Do you know where you are moving to?

  14. Thank you everyone! :0)

    We're moving back to Colorado. I'll be talking some about that in future posts.

    What is it about fixing a place up & then selling it? We need to start enjoying the makeovers our selves! :0)

    JJ ~ Yes, you saw a dog. :0) We have three.

    Jayne ~ Thanx for the tip! ♥ I'll remember that.

  15. Wendy, I'm so glad she arrived safely. I always worry when one of the 'kids' goes off on her own.... And I'm so happy you like her. ♥

  16. Oh guys did a great job. Nice !!


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